Wednesday, July 31, 2019

August Rush Themes Essay

â€Å"Music is all around; all you have to do is listen.† Quoted Evan Taylor in the ending scene of August Rush. August Rush was a boy who discovered the power of music in his journey to find his parents. His giftedness was a useful tool in his accomplishments, that can be seen throughout the movie. His giftedness did not guarantee success in that he would need the right resources, motivation, and a little hardwork obtain it. To begin with, giftedness can’t guarantee success, if the right resources are not available. Resources allow you to recognize your giftedness, so without them your giftedness is not recognized, and therefore, success is not obtainable. Resources are the key to success. The boys home that Evan Taylor lived in, before his removal, did not offer the resources for him to channel his giftedness. In August Rush, Evan Taylor was given many resources, after his removal from the boys’ home, in which he ended up in a church with a piano, a theatre full of street kid performers, and facing the opportunity to take classes at Julliard. The classes at Julliard enabled him to obtain the ability to compose a piece inspired by all the sounds he has heard and believes will lead him to his parents. At Julliard, August’s talent was truly acknowledged and set free, but it was first discovered when he encountered the street kids. With all these resources he was able to embrace his gift and share it with the world. The resources that he acquired on his journey prompted his growth in his naturally gifted music abilities. Secondly, guaranteed success from giftedness, I believe requires motivation. A person who seems to be naturally gifted cannot be guaranteed success, if they do not want success. A person who is naturally gifted and is motivated will achieve success because they want success. August Rush had motivation, so therefore he achieved success in the movie. His motivation was to find his parents, from whom he was disconnected 11 years ago, and that motivation enabled him to achieve his success. Motivation is a vital factor in all acts of achieving success. A lack of motivation also infers a lack of encourage and a lack of want for success. People who are not motivated do not normally achieve success. The road to success requires motivation to continue the journey. August’s motivation and longing to find his parents is what kept him going throughout the movie. Movitation is much needed is any other factor in achieving success. Lastly, giftedness is not automatically offer guaranteed success, but success does automatically offer guaranteed hard work. In my opinion, success cannot be achieved with only giftedness, it has to also be accompanied by hard work, motivation, and resources. Giftedness does not allow you to be lazy and achieve success that others, who are not gifted, work their hardest to obtain. Success does not come God-given, along with your God-given abilities. Even gifted people have to work towards success as those who have not been gifted. Being gifted allows you to understand concepts and learn new things faster than others, but does not guarantee you success. Success does not work in this way. Success can never be guaranteed if you are not willing to put in the hard work and effort for the long-haul. In conclusion, success is not automatically guaranteed through giftedness. Do not let your imagination run wild that giftedness is the free ticket to success because it most definitely is not. All success requires a little effort. Anything can be achieved with the right resources and a little hard work and motivation.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Digital PCS: The Future of Wireless Phone Service

In the past few years the use of mobile phones has increased tremendously. At one time only available to the rich and elite business executives, the luxury of mobile phones can now be used by a wide group of people in different financial situations. Mobile phones are a necessary convenience. They provide instant communication access wherever mobile phone service is offered. There are two options for mobile phone service: analog, and digital PCS. Analog is the more expensive option and has long been the standard for mobile phone service. Digital PCS is the newest form of phone service. It works by converting human speech into software codes and converting them to audio signals before the codes reach the listener. Because it is software based it provides a perfect platform for a variety of advanced wireless features. Digital PCS is the future of mobile phone service and the soon to be de facto standard for wireless phone service. People can choose digital PCS service for many reasons, though affordability might be the initial attraction. Because of competition by many companies price is always being driven down. Also, the many different customizable price plans offer an affordable package for any type of budget. Companies, which offer digital PCS service are always looking to lure new customers, and therefore are in constant review of their plans always trying to make sure they are treating their customers properly. This eventually leads to the best product for the customer. If there is any drawback to digital PCS it is that the service is still fairly new. Digital PCS systems need to be laid from the ground up. They are physically hard-wired from community to community. While designing a system like this takes much longer, the outcome is worth it. Hard-wired systems provide for a stronger signal, and better connection. Because the implementation of the system takes long, it is difficult to spread digital PCS service quickly. But the service is expanding rapidly and soon, it will cover most of the country. Another drawback is that people cannot use Digital PCS phones in the more common analog environments. Much of the country is already equipped with analog services so it is better to purchase a dual band Digital PCS service phone that has analog service on it also. While these dual band phones are expensive, they provide connections in both analog and digital environments. Since digital PCS is based on wireless software it allows a robust variety of applications to be used with the service. This allows your phone to expand its capabilities. These applications enable you to be reached at all times. Phones using digital PCS service include caller ID, voice mail, paging, enhanced battery management, and encryption systems. These applications make the phone a powerful communication system. Caller ID is a feature that alerts you to what number is calling. When your phone rings the display units flashes the incoming number of the caller. On some phones you can program the name with the number, so the next time that number calls the name flashes along with the incoming number. This feature is useful since the owner can preview who is calling the phone before he even takes the call. People can evaluate the importance of the call and see if their time is important enough for the person who is calling them. Another feature that makes digital PCS superior is interactive voice mail. Interactive voice mail is a voice mail system that alerts you when voice messages are received. Traditional voice mail systems require the owner to keep calling in order to check if new messages are on the system. On a digital PCS system, when the person receives a voice mail, a signal is sent to the phone and the phone alerts the owner of the new mail. This method prevents the waste of unnecessary airtime or personal time checking the voice mail. Digital PCS phones are always in signal contact with the service provider. When the phone is turned on, a signal is always sending information to and from the phone. The signal indicates to the phone how to regulate power. This leads to a longer battery life since the phone can â€Å"sleep† when peak energy is not needed. Battery information is always reported on the display unit, thus allowing the owner to know well ahead when the battery is about to go weak. This allows the owner of the phone to know whether or not to charge the phone or carry a new battery. Digital PCS sends signals in ISO-3 digital format. This means that calls made from a digital PCS phone are encrypted and cannot be scanned or eavesdropped on. Digital voice transmission enables you to feel confident when discussing personal information over your digital PCS phone. Since many people use mobile phones, to conduct business this element is crucial to their goal of protecting sensitive information Alphanumeric paging is one of the best features of digital PCS service. This paging allows someone to send a page with regular text. Also it enables you to receive specially formatted Internet information, such as news and stock quotes. Also having alphanumeric paging allows someone to email the phone, and depending on the phone, a response can also be sent. This feature provides access to electronic mail when one is not near a computer. E-mail has become very important for many people, so having access to email is very essential. This feature also eliminates having to carry a separate pager for your alphanumeric paging needs. Digital phones are the future. They provide services that analog mobile phones could never provide. From an engineering standpoint alone, phones using digital PCS are more advanced and capable of amazing applications. But it is the convenience that digital PCS phones provide which make them a better option for people who are on the move. From a system level, they are designed from the ground up, providing the best connection and signal performance. Digital PCS is software based thus providing better applications such as caller ID, voice mail, enhanced battery management, paging, and encryption systems. They save time by providing on demand information including alerting the owner immediately when a voice mail is received, and when the battery of the phone will expire. They are affordable in cost because many companies are in competition to provide the best service. This provides the customer with ample choices to evaluate. Digital PCS phone service is reliable, robust and affordable. It allows a person to be able to be reached at all times. It is the future and the soon to be standard for wireless communications. Digital PCS, the future of mobile phones is here.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Aims of the Arts and Crafts Movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Aims of the Arts and Crafts Movement - Essay Example Because of the name and the overall focus of the movement, it might at first be imagined that this artistic vision could only barely touch the architectural styles of the day; however, the Arts and Crafts movement had a profound effect upon the architecture of the latter 1800s. One of its primary aims was to â€Å"render all branches of art the sphere no longer of the tradesman but of the artist. It would restore building, decoration, glass painting, pottery, woodcarving and metal to their right place beside painting and sculpture.† Working within the rather loose boundaries of the Arts and Crafts, Voysey, Baillie Scott and their contemporaries began developing new means of approaching design that hadn’t been considered previously, generating three results that almost immediately impacted the architecture of the time. â€Å"First, and the most obvious, the Arts and Crafts emphasized the artistic potential of everyday objects. Second, vastly higher standards of craftsma nship were applied to these objects, and the ideal of craftsmanship was realized much more widely than had been possible before. †¦ Third, new stress was given to the importance of function in the creation of forms.† Morris’ ideas in promoting this movement included an architectural independence from imposed style in favour of a naturally growing concept. This natural concept emerged from consideration of the surroundings and the needs of the average person. The idea was to keep the form simple and to incorporate and preserve .

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Positive Behavior Support Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Positive Behavior Support - Research Paper Example The positive behavior support is an essential form of applied behavior analysis. The PBS often uses system towards understanding the principles that often maintains the changing human behaviors. The inappropriate behaviors of humanity are often difficult to change since they form the functional purpose of humanity. Human behaviors are often supported and reinforced by the environment upon which they exist (Klein, Cook, and Richardson-Gibbs, 2001). Therefore, in case of children and students, adults’ form the environment about which the child grows. Thus, the behaviors of the adult that will shape and reinforce the child or student’s desirable behaviors since children and students will only receive attention and or objects because of the adult’s behavior.According to functional behavior assessments, behaviors are often identified within defined contexts including situation, time, and events that usually define or predict the occurrence or lack of occurrence of beh avior as well as the identity that will consequently maintain such a behavior. FBAs also create and summarize hypothesis on behavior (Gonzalez and Joint Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership, 2009). This hypothesis directly collects data and observes behaviors to obtain the baseline of these behaviors before other external or social factors get into play. Ideally, positive behaviors often support processes that lead to identification of goals, information gathering, implementation and monitoring, hypothesis development, and support plan design. (Simonsen and et al., 2010). Decreasing undesirable behaviors requires techniques that include desirability, feasibility, and effectiveness. However, teachers and parents often require these strategies, and they must be willing to use them towards making the students and children to participate in school and community development activities (Hanbury, 2007). Notably, positive behavior support has been recognized as a strategy that helps in meeting these strategies effectively. Changing reinforcement and stimulus in the teaching and environment of the child will automatically strengthen deficit skills in areas that their behaviors will change to allow them general education setting (Gonzalez and Joint Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership, 2009). There are usually three deficit skills areas that children and students will always changes due to the change in their environment factors. These areas include social skills, communication skills, and self-management skills (Riffel, 2011). Positive behavior support often forms a re-directive therapy especially in line with parent child relationship. In most cases, when other treatments plans fail, the re-directive therapy is often allowed for positive interaction between children and parents as well as between teachers and teachers. Origin and Development of Positive Behavior Support The positive behavior support or the positive behavioral intervention and or support originated from quite controversial circumstances that were overseen as related to the individuals’

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Growth of Golf in Foreign Market ( china or Eastern Europ) Essay

Growth of Golf in Foreign Market ( china or Eastern Europ) - Essay Example Qualitative research is a process that includes interpretative paradigm under the measures of theoretical assumptions and the entire approach is based on sustainability that is depended on people's experience in terms of communication. The basic advantages of qualitative measures are multifold. Firstly, it presents a completely realistic approach that the statistical analysis and numerical data used in research based on quantitative research cannot provide. Another advantage of qualitative measures is that it is more flexible in nature in terms of collected information interpretation, subsequent analysis and data collection. It also presents a holistic point of view of the investigation. Furthermore this approach of research allows the subjects to be comfortable thus be more accurate as research is carried on in accordance to the subject's own terms. (Dos, 84-85) Thus the most important objective of the interviews regarding this feasibility report concerning the professional golf league would be building an impact regarding the profitability of this league for the stakeholder. (Cunningham, 24-5) For this important names from the field of administration and the game should be included.

Political Scandal in the Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Political Scandal in the Media - Essay Example One is the reality that Spitzer's betrayal involved prostitutes. "Why Men Cheat," inserts that the same holds true of informal sex, seeing that in one-night-stand after having someone at a bar. For some people, this looks like, "Holy cow", like Mr. David Letterman, "We can't get bin Laden, but we got Spitzer". And for others, undoubtedly, it's been a deep talk of stance on (or experiences with) infidelity, disloyalty, loyalty and the like. It's occurring in conferences, too. "Are you saying the women should feel guilty, like they somehow drove the man to cheat", Meredith Vieira of "Today" asked Dr. Laura Schlessinger, a radio host. On the media channels, where Talk Shows addressed the scandal madly for days, Mars and Venus instants have thrived hard. Some women were seriously angry by all the meeting of a "victimless crime." And they giggled when Joy Behar on the all five women gabfest "The View" stated publicly that "Viagra is destroying our government." On Tuesday morning Hendrik Hertzberg, a writer for The New Yorker, told the host, Joe Scarborough, that Mr. Spitzer should not be condemned as a hypocrite. "If he had been caught taking from the public till or bilking the government, that would have been hypocritical," Mr. Hertzberg said. "This is just, this is sad." How common is this adultery Figuratively, in... Surely there were no cries for Mr. Spitzer. Alan M. Dershowitz, who taught Mr. Spitzer at Harvard Law School, went so far as to blame American Puritanism first. "Big deal, a married man goes to prostitute", Mr. Dershowitz said on MSNBC on Monday. "In Europe this wouldn't even make the back pages of the newspaper". Political sex-scandals have become a pushy feature of American society today. From Profumo to the cash-for-questions scandal, from Watergate to the Clinton-Lewinsky affair, scandals have come to play a fundamental role in political affairs and in the shaping of public debates. They all blur together. And now New York's Gov., Eliot Spitzer, had to leave his job after his involvement in a prostitution ring became public. But this star news will be eclipsed by the next scandal before too long. If we're becoming a more liberal society, shouldn't there be less and not more sex scandals Probably not. Sex scandals will keep on as long as we remain in-two-minds about the public impacts of hush-hush sexual conduct. We're in the middle of a nationwide debate about where to sketch the line. It's turn into a known scene - "a politician...over-involved in a sex scandal...addressing the media...his compassionate, humiliated wife by his side". Spitzer's dismal story just doesn't meet the higher bar of insignificance the journalists and newspapers demand. The imperfections in our political system that it represents are immeasurable. It's just too real to meet the requirements. His scandal looks like to have got its "get-out-of-jail-free" license from the media pundits. One commonality among political sex scandals nowadays is that the tricacies of the encounters

Friday, July 26, 2019

Christian Ethics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Christian Ethics - Research Paper Example Consequently, the organization implemented the policy of organizing morning prayers for all workers before the start of operations thereby ensuring that the spirit of evil desires and impurity are put at bay through prayers. The policy is successful since nearly all the workers in my organization are religious with most being of Christian faith. Â  In order to ensure that my organization implements better ethical practices at the workplace, I would recommend for gradual implementation of the ethical practices. First, all the workers need to be informed of the intention of introducing the ethical practices in the organization. Secondly, the workers should have a say or decide on the practices they feel should be implemented, and this requires brainstorming, soberness, understanding, and sacrifices. This is helpful since it ensures that workers play a role in the creation and implementation of policies and ethical practices that will affect their lives while serving in the organization. When workers accept the anticipated ethical practices, they feel bound by their decisions and, therefore, strive to abide by them. Such decisions will serve as guidance to their relations at the workplace and to some extent their daily lives since they spend most of their time.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Do Student-Athletes in College Look At Their Coaches As Parent Figure Research Proposal

Do Student-Athletes in College Look At Their Coaches As Parent Figure - Research Proposal Example As the paper discusses with many of research studies in the theme of relationship between a coach and the athletic students in schools focusing on the leadership attributes and the moral and ethical relations, few studies have focused on the acceptable mode of handling the athletes by the coaches. With such perceptions as have been shown to hold in people’s views concerning the way that coach-student relationship should be, there lacks a standard tool on which the interactions and attitudes towards each other should be understood. There exists a gap in literature on whether students perceive their coaches as parent figures or not and what would be the factors that influence such perceptions. The lack of such literature from past studies and related academic materials shows the necessity to have a structured study into the theme in order to shape future studies and understanding of the theme. This study is aimed at establishing a qualitative justification through research study on whether the athletic students in colleges perceive their coaches as parents or not. This study is aimed at establishing whether student-athletes perceive their coaches as parents or otherwise through a qualitative analysis of the opinions by the athletes. The study is also focused on bridging the gap that currently exists between the literatures on student coach perceptions especially in the athletics and contribute towards shaping future research studies in the theme.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Strong and weak states Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Strong and weak states - Essay Example Current paper focuses on the presentation and the explanation of the differences between strong and weak states – as these differences are highlighted in the relevant literature. Emphasis is given on both the characteristics of strong and weak states and the reasons for the existing differences between the above types of states. The understanding of the criteria and the reasons for the categorization of states to strong and weak could help to explain the format of relationships among states in the context of international community. More specifically, strong states are most likely to show their power in influencing key international policies by intervening in the political, social and economic decisions of the weak states (Nelson et al. 2002). Moreover, the presentation of the causes for the differences between strong and weak states would help to identify the strategies that would help inequality in the global politics to be effectively controlled. 2. Strong and weak states à ¢â‚¬â€œ characteristics and differences In the context of the international community, two different major types of states can be identified: a) the states which are strongly centralized and where the social needs are effectively addressed using appropriate economic (for instance, the industrialization) and political schemes; these states can be characterized as strong (Migdal 2001), b) on the other hand, there are those states where the government is not able to monitor the social and the economic changes developed across the national territory; these are the weak states where changes in society and economy are inevitable under the pressure of ‘uncontrollable forces coming from large powers and the world economy’ (Migdal 2001, p.58). In practice, a series of different criteria can be used in order to decide whether a particular state should be characterized as a strong or weak. For instance, in the study of Kopstein et al (2005) it is noted that the autonomy of a state in developing its own decisions on issues that are key for its existence and development should be considered as the key criterion for characterizing the specific state as strong. In other words, strong states are characterized by the ability of their leaders to make clear their preferences on the state’s priorities and initiatives – both in the short and the long term (Kopstein et al 2005). Moreover, capacity should be regarded as another key criterion for characterizing a state as strong; capacity in this case, as the term is used in the study of Kopstein et al (2005), is related to the existence of adequate resources for the development of the various plans of the state. Reference is made not just to financial resources, i.e. the funds available for the realization of the governmental plans, but also to the social resources, i.e. the people who are willing and capable of supporting the relevant initiatives (Kopstein et al. 2005). As for the weak states, it can be c oncluded – referring to the issues highlighted in the study of Kopstein et al. (2005) – that these states are expected to have limited autonomy and capacity, as these two terms were explained above. However, at this point, the following issue should be highlighted: the level of autonomy and capacity of a state cannot be always clearly identified. Even if many indications exist that show a high

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Information Systems (Word Processing Assignment) Essay

Information Systems (Word Processing Assignment) - Essay Example Served with potato chips or substitute Safari fries for $1.49 Add a House salad or cup of soup for $4.99 - $10.99 Blue Mountain Chicken Sandwich - Tender grilled chicken breast, Cajun seasoned and topped with bacon, Swiss cheese, roasted red peppers and leaf lettuce. Served on a toasted bun with spicy Safari sauce and coleslaw. Add a House Salad or cup of soup for $4.99. - $12.99 Buffalo Fried Chicken Salad - Golden fried chicken tenders atop crisp greens, red cabbage, tomatoes, and carrots, in a chunky Blue cheese dressing. Garnished with crumbled Blue cheese and Buffalo sauce. - $13.99 Caribbean Coconut Shrimp - Tender shrimp rolled in fresh coconut and fried to a golden brown, served with sweet mango sauce, Caribbean rice and Napa veggies. Add a House salad or cup of soup for $4.99 - $18.99 Chicken Fried Chicken - Breaded chicken breast, lightly fried golden brown topped with country gravy and Napa vegetables. Served with red-skinned garlic mashed potatoes and Napa vegetables. Add a House salad or cup of soup for $4.99 - $16.99 Sparkling Volcano - Enough for 2 or more people! Giant rich chocolate brownie cake stacked up high, served warm with vanilla ice cream, fresh whipped cream, and topped with caramel and chocolate sauces. - $14.99 Selection of Beverages - Coke, Diet Coke, Cherry Coke, Sprite, Root Beer, Raspberry Iced Tea, Iced Tea, Hot Tea, Milk, Coffee, Natural Still or Sparkling Water, Lemonade, and Cranberry, Pineapple, or Orange juice. Prices

Monday, July 22, 2019

Ethical Issues in Work Groups Essay Example for Free

Ethical Issues in Work Groups Essay Therapeutic pressure, unlike undue pressure, enables members of a group to help each other discover their individual answers without pressurizing them to accept the answers deemed appropriate by the group. Group thinking enhances unanimity, mental efficiency and moral judgement that are appropriate which each person (William, 1995). In the first five sessions, the leader acted ethically since he provided ample time to explore the views, fears, expectations and interpersonal relationships of the members. He also told them about the risks of potential changes that may occur after the session and assessed their preparedness. However, the leader failed the ethical test in the sixth session by asking Kevin to develop romantic feelings towards Lydia yet she was not his partner (Jameson, 2001). Kevin had already confessed that it was against his religious convictions and commitment on monogamous relationship. He failed to respect Kevin’s values and imposed his own belief on the client. If I was Ryan’s co-leader, I would have delayed the role-play experiment until such a time when we could have gathered enough information that does not compromise the values of each individual. In addition, giving Kevin an ultimatum to complete his assignment was undue pressure since it conflicted with his values and the duties he was given (Herlihy Corey, 2005). Although a group leader might have been faced with the dilemma of identifying personal issues that do not conflict with other members, he had to perform a thorough background check to get enough information that could have enabled him to make informed decisions (McKee, 2004). This would have enabled him to respect the cultural diversity present within group members. To develop Kevin’s assertiveness, I would have invited Hannah and coached Kevin on how he ought to treat her in his first assignment. If this does not prove effective, Kevin’s partner should then be included in the counselling sessions so that the leader can evaluate the source of the problem in the relationship. References Herlihy, B. , Corey, G. (2005). ACA Ethical Standards Casebook. Alexandria, VA, American Counselling Association Jameson, R. (2001). Foundations of Ethical Practice in Psychology. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates McKee, L. (2004). A Historical Perspective Approach for Practicing Managers to Improve Ethics. Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 9, p. 22-24 William, G. (1995). Ethical and legal Issues in Group Counselling. Journal of Ethics and Behavior, Vol. 5, p. 10

Succession Planning Essay Example for Free

Succession Planning Essay 1. Introduction All around the globe there are two main opinions about talent management. One that states that talent can be developed by itself through the everyday work. On the other hand another school states that a talent must be discovered, nurtured, grow and retained. In the fast growing business world especially in last 2 decades many issues appeared that emphasise on taking a stand whether to follow the evolutionary theory or to follow the succession planning and management. Sometimes a company face a challenge if a key position worker disappears for any reason. For example taken by a head hunter, retirement or death. A place is vacant and to fill this place it would take maybe months. Not mention the amount of knowledge that was lost as this key employee was gone. As the competition increases in the business world there is no more loyalty, both from the company and the employee. To face those challenges big organisations must develop a plan not just to solve these situations but also to avoid them in the first place. This plan is a complicated process that requires the dedication of everyone involved.  Its success can be measured by the people that affects. (Palma, M 2009, ‘Succession Planning’, PA Times (American Society for Public Administration, March, vol.32, iss. 3, pp.10-11). This report aims to explain and both theories from different vintage points. This paper has three sections. The first is the definition of succession planning. The next is examples of the evolutionary theory. The third section is about talent development as a result of sustained efforts to prepare the leaders of tomorrow. At the end I’ll briefly discuss my conclusion and give my recommendation. 2. Why Succession planning Succession planning has been defined as: A means of identifying critical management positions, starting at the levels of project manager and supervisor and extending to the highest positions in the organisation. Succession planning also describes management positions to provide maximum flexibility in lateral management moves and to ensure that as individuals achieve greater seniority, their management skills will broaden and become more generalized in relation to total organisational objectives rather than to purely departmental objectives.( Rothwell, W. J., 2010. Effective Succession Planning. Fourth edition ed. New York: AMACOM American Management Association.) Also it is the identification and development of potential successors for key positions in an organisation, through a systematic evaluation process and training. Unlike replacement planning (which grades an individual solely on the basis of his or her past performance) succession planning is largely predictive in judging an individual for a position he or she might never have been in.( It is a component of good HR planning and management. It understands that staff will not be with an organization forever and it provides a plan and process for ameliorating the situation that will occur when they leave. It must not focus on the senior positions only, but also on all the crucial key positions in all levels. Succession planning is a process of developing talent to meet the needs of the organisation now and in the future. Every time a manager makes a work assignment, he or she is preparing someone for the future because he or she  is building that workers ability. Work experience builds competence, and different kinds of work experience build different kinds of competence. (Effective succession planning, William J. Rothwell, 4th edition, p371) Organizational leaders need to think about aligning their staffing and leadership needs with the organization’s future strategic objectives. If they do not take action to establish an effective SPM program, they are likely to fall victim to the so-called like-me problem, in which people are biased to pick other people like themselves, viewing them more favourably. Given the tendency to want to â€Å"clone† job incumbents for successors, organizations must take steps to counteract that built-in bias, for the simple reason that the job incumbent of today, while perhaps perfectly suited for the business environment now, may not be suitable for the business environment of the future.( Rothwell, W. J., 2010. Effective Succession Planning. Fourth edition ed. New York: AMACOM American Management Association.) 3. The Evolutionary Process of Talent Development: Here are some examples of real life companies using the evolutionary process: 3.1 Mohamed Ibrahim Optics This company was established in 1972 and the owner Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim at this time about 35 years old. By 1999 there were more than 25 branches around Egypt. After more than 40 years it’s the time for him to retire because health issues. He has 3 sons and because he was always managing the process he is assuming that one of his sons would be his successor in the business, but neither had he identified which of them would be the best successor, nor he tried to develop them. The emotional factor and the notion that he was going to stay at home and would not be the C-executive terrifying Mr. Ibrahim. Now one of his sons who is not interested in the business is running the operation and the employees are not happy with the new manager which affected their performance. 3.2 Rizkallah appliances This is an example about a CEO’s maneuvering to delay the succession process. After 2 decades of running Rizkallah for electronics, the time has come for Mr. Essam to start planning for retirement. The board was confident that Mr. Essam was the best one for the position. He has the experience and the knowledge. Putting his retirement plans in one hand and the strategy he want  to follow in the other hand made him procrastinate the succession process. He became hypercritical of all potential candidates. Also compare his performance with the performance of the new candidate. For Mr. Essam he was losing his job. The key to successful succession planning is to stop viewing it as a zero-sum game with one winner and one loser. It should be regarded as a natural progression in the health of an organization. (Baldoni, J 2008, ‘Making a Success of Succession Planning’, CIO Insight) 3.3 Masr for insurance This is about a CEO who would not leave his position due to economic factors. The recession in Egypt make Mustafa think twice about leaving his position. Also the recession made it very difficult to start a systematic succession planning in the organisation. Pulling off a CEO transition is never easy, especially during a recession. (The art of succession, By: Boyle, Matt, BusinessWeek, 5/11/2009, Issue 4130) In his mind he thought that he must be the only decision making person. Holding all the keys for making a decision in his hands. Regardless he was about 59 years old he never thought of choosing a successor or investing in a succession plan. During the revolution Egypt in 2011 he was exposed to the gases and because of his age and medical condition he could not tolerate the gas and he suffocated to death. More than 6 months passed by and his position was still vacant and no one dare to fill his place. Those 6 months were very tough and the firm missed lots of opportunities as in this period many companies changed their policies to coop with the different situation. 4. Succession planning and management Argument: From the previous examples we understand that succession planning is needed in any big company. SPM program is needed so the organisational leaders align their staffing and leadership needs with the organisation’s future strategic objectives. Another reason why SPM program is needed: More and more organisations are experiencing the effects of aging workforces that are putting them at risk of losing their most experienced workers to retirement. Also terrorism increases the need for SPM program to ensure that key workers have back up in case they are needed. (Effective succession planning, William J. Rothwell, 4th edition) I Use everything that happens as  a learning experience to prepare my staff to stretch in the future. Everyone takes experiences at a different level; they dont all derive the same kinds of lessons from those experiences. What I try to do on a daily basis is turn everything into a leadership learning session. (Chief learning officer magazine, The CLO Succession Plan, March 2008 issue) According to Peter F. Drucker: â€Å"The question of tomorrow’s management is, above all, a concern of our society. Let me put it bluntly-we have reached a point where we simply will not tolerate as a country, as a society, as a government, the danger that any one of our major companies will decline or collapse because it has not made adequate provisions for management succession.† (Harper W.Moulton and Arthur A. Fickel, Executive Development: Preparing For the 21st Century (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993), p. 29. â€Å"Every enterprise is a learning and teaching institution. Training and development must be built into it on all levels—training and development never stop.à ¢â‚¬  – Peter F. Drucker 5. Talent development is a result of a sustained effort to prepare leaders of tomorrow Another good example from a friend of mine who was working as human resource manager in Prizma Securities Company. 5.1 Prizma Securities In the company they were using a 6 key steps model which used in many large organisations worldwide. They were using market-driven approach to integrate strategic plans with succession plans where necessary talents are required to deal with competitive pressure. 1. Formulating a mission statement: It describes the purpose of a program or the reason for its existence. 2. Identify key areas and positions: Gap analysis may identify key areas. Also Review key positions periodically because they may change over time, depending on changes in Government direction and the introduction of new technology. 3.Identify competency for key areas and positions: Employees who believe they are growing and developing professionally, learning new skills and gaining experience are more productive, have higher morale, and are more loyal than employees at organizations that dont emphasize talent development and knowledge management (Moskal, Planning for Succession, Baseline, October2008, iss. 89,  pp. 12 -14.) This was achieved by assessing knowledge, skills and abilities or competency profile. 4. Find interested employees and —assess them against capabilities: Using Talent review meetings 5.Develop and implement succession and knowledge transfer plans: Using stretch assignments, acting assignments, formal training, mentoring and coaching and Job rotations those procedures would help in transferring of knowledge and not remain with certain people. Effective succession planning and talent retention nurtures those employees responsible for the organizations future vision, strategy and success. It assures a sequence of qualified, promotable people as the boomers move on. (Moskal, Planning for Succession, Baseline, October2008, iss. 89, pp. 12-14.) 6. Evaluate effectiveness Evaluation was based on the Donald Kirkpatrick pattern which examines four levels: customer satisfaction, program progress, effective placement and organisational results. Also the programmatic evaluation which examine the process against its stated mission, objectives, and activities. 5.2 Adel Elkholy for shipping: Adel Elkholy Company is one of the largest companies in Egypt. The total number of workers is about 800 employees. In a meeting with HR manager personally he explained briefly the program for succession he is implementing. The purpose of the program: This step to clarify why the company undergoing this program. So the whole departments could be involved and participate. The measurable objectives of the program: result must be measurable so they can measure the success of the program. Design a Competency model: A competency model was established to link the organisation core competencies to job competencies. A present competencies identification for success: in this step 2 categories are identified the exemplars and the fully successful performers. The way those competencies are measured: using high technological software. The competencies needed for success in the future: A scenario planning is conducted to discover the  competencies needed in the future. The way the organization assesses potential: using empowered individual potential assessment. Classify individuals by performance and potential: Using the performance/potential 9 grids Narrowing gaps: Preparing and evaluating individual development plans and activities. Evaluating results: It’s carried out by external consultant. Then the results are presented to the owner of the company. 6. Conclusion Although about one half of the companies do not have a succession plan as stated in Business Week: Last year, the National Association of Corporate Directors found that 42.4% of companies had no succession plan at all. The economic crisis has exacerbated this problem as resources have diminished. (The Art of Succession. by: Boyle, Matt, BusinessWeek, 5/11/2009, Issue 4130). But this does not mean that succession planning is not important for the survival of the organisation; moreover its importance is increasing year after year. Most of the organisations knew its importance even if they do not apply the plan. In my opinion, the previous examples show the importance of having a systematic succession planning and management program. That helps placing the right person in the right place at the right time. Having successors is not an easy job, if the SP Management Program is not aligned with the business strategies HR strategies; all stockholders are involved, top management giving full support and the use of proper approaches and tools. It became also mandatory than ever for organisations to plan for future leadership and development of all workers at all levels. At the same time, all the activities in the market became more and more complex. Many functions now require extensive skills and knowledge. 7. Recommendations For all the previous reasons mentioned in my report supported with real life cases, I strongly recommend leaders to understand that its critical to strengthen their talent pool through succession planning, professional development, job rotation and workforce planning. They need to identify potential talent and groom it. So, they must take proactive steps to plan for talent needs at all levels and implement programs designed to ensure that the right people are available for the right jobs in the right places and at the right time. References 1. (A 2009 tune up your firm’s succession planning. Dominic Cingoranelli. Journal of accounting march 2009). 2. (Palma, M 2009, ‘Succession Planning’, PA Times (American Society for Public Administration, March, vol.32, iss. 3, pp.10-11) 3. Rothwell, W. J., 2010. Effective Succession Planning. Fourth edition ed. New York: AMACOM American Management Association. 4. ( 5. (Baldoni, J 2008, ‘Making a Success of Succession Planning’, CIO Insight) 6. (The art of succession, By: Boyle, Matt, BusinessWeek, 5/11/2009, Issue 4130) 7. (Chief learning officer magazine, The CLO Succession Plan, March 2008 issue) 8. (Moskal, Planning for Succession, Baseline, October2008, iss. 89, pp. 12-14.) 9. Harper W.Moulton and Arthur A. Fickel, Executive Development: Preparing For the 21st Century (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993), p. 29.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Necrotizing Fasciitis (NF): Causes and Treatment

Necrotizing Fasciitis (NF): Causes and Treatment Abstract Necrotizing Fasciitis (NF) is a rare but severe type of bacterial infection that affects the soft tissue and fascia. Because of how rapidly the infection spreads it has a high mortality rate and the key to a successful recovery is early diagnosis and treatment. Since the discovery of this disease, little progress has been made to decrease the mortality rate, further emphasizing the importance of healthcare providers ability to detect and treat the infection early so that the patient will have a fighting chance. This article will discuss the history, pathophisiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostics and treatments, and interventions as it relates to the Nurse practitioners role in caring for a patient with NF. History and Background Necrotizing Fasciitis (NF) is a rare but rapidly progressing inflammatory infection that results in the extensive destruction of soft tissue and fascia. In the earlier stages of the infection muscle and skin are not affected (Ruth-Sahd Gonzalez, 2006). NF involves the superficial fascia, subcutaneous fat (which has nerves and vascular structures) and deep fascia (Green, Dafoe, Raffin, 1996). Thrombosis of the microvasculature occurs but there is an absence of myonecrosis (Giuliano, Lewis, Hadsley, Blaisdel, 1977). NF was first described as a complication of erysipelas by Hippocrates in the 5th century B.C. (Descamps, Aithen, Lee, 1994). During the civil war confederate army surgeon Joseph Jones described it as hospital gangrene in which 46% of the 2,642 soldiers who were infected died from NF complications. The cause of the disease was identified as a bacterial infection in 1915. It wasnt until 1952 that the soft tissue infection was named necrotic Fasciitis by Wilson (Wilson, 19 52). Cases of NF were sporadically occurring throughout the 19th and 20th century but remained restricted to military hospitals during the war with a few outbreaks occurring in civilian populations. Epidemiology The centers for Disease control and Prevention (CDC) reported that rates of NF increased worldwide from the mid 1980s to early 1990s. According to the CDC the increases in the rate and severity of NF are correlated with increase in the prevalence of toxin producing strains of S. Pyogenes (M-1 and M-3 serotypes). The CDC reported approximately 600 cases of NF in the U.S. in 1999 (Hu, 2002). Disease progression NF develops when bacteria enters the body usually through a minor trauma for example a laceration, bruise, or bug bite. Some cases occur after surgeries for example abdominal surgeries; the bacterium enters the surgical incision. The bacteria attacks the soft subcutaneous tissue releasing toxins that kill the tissue and affect blood flow to the infected area causing it to become gangrenous. If left untreated the skin, fat, muscle sheath, and later the muscle become involved. The infection spreads unseen moving up the affected body part at a rate of 3 centimeters per hour up to 1 inch of tissue per hour (Ruth-Sahd and Gonzales, 2006). Once necrosis of the tissue occurs that area has to be surgically removed. The bacteria can also cause the patient to go into systemic shock, which can lead to hypotension, respiratory failure, renal failure, and heart failure. If the infection is severe death can occur within 18 hours (Astorino, Genrich, MacGregor, Victor, Eckhouse, Barbour Barbour, 20 09) Pathophysiology Tissue destruction is possible once the bacterium has been introduced under the skin via a cut or penetrable wound. The pathogens begin to rapidly multiply spreading from the subcutaneous tissue along fascial planes, and then invading the blood vessels and lymphatic system. The bacteria release toxins that decrease the protective tissue factors in order to inhibit the immune systems ability to combat the bacteria. In the bodies attempt to combat the bacteria at the tissue level. The blood vessels in the area begin to leak due to the effects of the bacteria in the tissue, the immune response becomes hyperactive, which results in blood vessel dilation in order to facilitate the immune response to the area affected. Unfortunately the cells in the tissue begin to die as the blood vessels leak and decrease the oxygen supply to the cells due to the increase in permeability. Since there is a decrease in blood flow and oxygen supply to the tissue from the infection, tissue necrosis and ische mia occur. As tissue necrosis worsens, nerve damage takes place, which can be seen, as the patient will report the decrease or absence of pain at the area affected. As the infection progresses septicemia will also develop (Astorino, et al. 2009). Causative factors NF is caused by a bacterium named Streptococcus pyogenes or Group A streptococcus (GAS). GAS can be found in peoples throats or on their skin and they will be asymptomatic. S. pogenes is a cause for non-invasive GAS diseases for example rheumatic fever, strep throat, and skin infections like impetigo. When GAS travels to areas of the body where bacteria isnt found it is called invasive GAS disease example would be blood or lungs. More than 10 million non-invasive GAS cases occur annually. A rare but most severe case of invasive GAS is NF. These bacterium evolve quickly and scientist believe that GAS makes proteins that cause the immune system to attack the tissue directly thus the body destroys itself (Hu, 2002). NF has been classified into two types based upon the bacterium identified upon culture. Type 1 in a polymicroial infection including both gram-positive and gram- negative bacteria that can be anaerobic or aerobic. Type 1 is the most common, making up 90% of all the cases, st riking abdominal or peritoneal tissue. Underlying risk factors include postoperative, advanced age, or diabetes (McGee, 2005). Type 2 also known as the Flesh eating Bacteria is the rarest out of the two making up about 10% of the cases. It is the most dangerous of the infections usually affecting the arms or legs and involves the Group A (beta)- hemolytic streptococcus with or without staphylococcus aureus. Type 2 does not discriminate on age, race, or sex (Astorino, et al. 2009). Signs and Symptoms Early detection of NF is crucial it can be the difference between life and death. Health care providers need to be knowledgeable about the signs and symptoms of NF so that treatment can be started right away. Initial signs may be vague and are often confused with cellulitis, signs include pain, edema, erythema, and fever. A definitive diagnosis can be made by visualization and dissection of the necrotic fascia. A key factor of NF is pain, which is disproportionate to the amount of redness. If suspected cellulitis fails to respond to antibiotics within 24-48 hours NF should be considered (Varma and Stashower, 2006). Early symptoms including pain, malaise, fever, and thirst occur within the first 24 hours of invasion of bacteria. This is the time NF is usually misdiagnosed because progression of the disease is not visible until tissue destruction has already stated (McGee, 2005). Walter (2004) states that the hallmark of NF is erythema that spreads quickly with a margin of redness that extends to normal skin and is not raised. Advance symptoms occur 48-72 hours later and are characterized by significant pain at the wound site, increasing erythema, edema, and warmth. The skin tissue then becomes discolored and deteriorates further. The redness turns to dusky or blue and bullae (vesicles) appear. These bullae enlarge and then rupture leaking out dishwater pus a foul smelling, thin dirty gray liquid (Kessenich, 2004); (Ruth-Sahd and Gonzales, 2008). 4-5 days after appearance of the first symptoms patients can begin to demonstrate critical symptoms ranging from numbness and hypotension to toxic shock and unconsciousness. From there the patient can develop gangrene, sepsis, and then death may occur (McGee, 2005). When the initial symptoms are found it can be difficult to differentiate between NF and celluitis thus it is important to remember the hallmark of NF. After 3-5 days of onset when there is skin breakdown, bullae, and cutaneous gangrene present which are defin itive signs of NF and the involved area is usually not painful due to the are becoming anesthetic secondary to thrombosis of small vessels and nerve destruction located in the necrotic subcutaneous tissue Mandell, Bennett, and Dolin, 2005). Laboratory and Imaging Studies Common laboratory studies used in diagnosing NF include complete blood cell count with differential (CBC), Electrolytes, Blood urea nitrogen (BUN), Creatinine phoshokinase (CPK), rapid streptococcus test, and a culture and sensitivity. CBC may show an increase in WBC greater than 14,000/ul and the electrolytes may show a sodium level less than 135 mmol/L, which are both indicative of NF (Schwartz, 2006). The BUN may also be elevated to 15 mg/ml and the CPK may be elevated, indicating the presence of tissue breakdown. A C S with a Gram stain can determine whether the infection is Type 1 or Type 2, which will help to determine what antibiotics to prescribe. Computed tomography (CT) scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to help diagnose NF. Ct scans can visualize the subcutaneous air and find the anatomic site of involvement by detecting necrosis with asymmetric fascial thickening (Maynor, 2006). MRI is helpful with guided rapid debridement of the wounds. Treatment In order to prevent significant disfigurement and/or death in the patient with NF is a quick diagnosis and very aggressive treatment is needed from the start. Broad spectrum antibiotics that treat gram-positive and negative aerobes and anaerobes are prescribed around the clock until the specific strain of the bacteria can be identified and treated appropriately. Due to the amount of antibiotics being administered and possible toxicity involved, Kidney and Liver function should be monitored during therapy. The patient will also need intravenous fluids, pain management, and possibly TPN. All necrotic tissue on the patient needs to be debrided with diligence in removing fascia, skin and subcutaneous tissue involved as early as possible, which may need to be performed multiple times to effectively remove all necrotic tissue. Hyperbaric therapy may be prescribed as an additional therapy. Role of the NP The NP needs to be able to recognize the early symptoms of NF so that he or she will be able to begin treatment quickly. A collaborative multidisciplinary care approach needs to be used for the care of this type of patient. The care team will need to include Critical/Acute care, Dietitian, Physical therapy, and Wound care Nurse. The patient will need a lot of education and psychological support as well. Conclusion Necrotizing Fasciitis is a very aggressive and debilitating disease that has a very rapid progression. Since the disease is very easily transmitted into the body with the potential of detection not until later stages due to the similarities to cellulitis. Rapid diagnosis and treatment is essential to prevent severe dismemberment and or death. So this makes the Nurse Practitioner working in ambulatory care the first line of defense against this rapidly debilitating disease.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Dead Sea :: essays research papers

General Purpose: To inform Specific purpose: The audience will know that the Dead Sea is devoid of all plant and aquatic life, why the sea is so salty and the health benefits. Thesis or central idea: The Dead Sea has a unique environment Main Points: a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Dead Sea is one of the saltiest bodies of water anywhere b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Dead Sea is devoid of all plant and aquatic life c.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Dead Sea area has become a major center for health research and treatment Introduction: You know why they call it the dead sea? Because absolutely nothing live in it. It is some of the salties water anywhere in the world. My love for geology grew out of an experience with a friend whos child was doing a earth science project on plate tectonics and needed help. I’ll never forget the name of the book â€Å"Earth in Motion† it left a lasting impression on me and led me to study more on this subject. I’ve been reading about this for approximately 10 years and am always amazed at the new material I find . My latest discovery was that the Dead Sea is one of the salties bodies of water anywhere, that it is devoid of all plant and aquatic life and that it has become a major center for health research and treatment. I.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Dead Sea is one of the salties bodies of water anywhere A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Dead Sea is completely landlocked B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Dead Sea is continually fed water from the rivers and streams coming down off the mountains that surround it. 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  No river drains out of the Dead Sea 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The only way water gets out of the sea is through evaporation II.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Dead Sea is devoid of all plant and aquatic life A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The water in the Dead Sea is deadly to most living things B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Even though the Sea is deadly to most living things humans are remarkably adaptable to the seas salty conditions. Humans can swim is the Dead Sea, just like they swim in the ocean 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Humans don’t really swim in the sea, instead they just â€Å"hang out 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Because of th extremely high concentration of disolved mineral salts in the water its density is way more that that of fresh water, which means are bodies are more buoyant in the Dead Sea. III.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Dead Sea area has become a major center for health research and treatment A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Dead Seas deep black clayey sediment, previously covered with water at times of higher sea level, are being mined for therapeutic purposes and for the preparation of cosmetic products under the name ‘Black Mud’.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Marketing Plan for Kathon MWX :: Business Marketing Case Study Essays, solution

Marketing Plan for Kathon MWX 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Rohm & Haas is a diversified chemicals company. Its industrial chemicals division manufactures maintenance biocide products to the metal working industry. The company enjoys a healthy 30% market share with its Kathon 886 MW in the Central Systems segment. Rohm & Haas has recently launched Kathon MWX to target 150,000 customers in the Individual systems segment where the market for biocides is underdeveloped and has little competition. A large part of the customers use substitute products such as deodorants and bleaches with little effect on microorganisms. The company estimates the market size for the individual segment to be at $20 million and aims to achieve $0.2 Million revenues from this segment in the first year. Despite a superior product, the sales of Kathon MWX reached a meager 6 % of the annual plan in first five months. Rohm and Haas wishes to re-evaluate its strategy in order to tap this huge segment to significantly increase sales volume and market share of Kathon MWX. Rohm and Haas plans to enhance its allocation for distribution and marketing spend of the Kathon MWX. This would result in additional revenue of 0.1 million. This target would be achieved by a combination of a revamped distribution network for Kathon MWX, focused promotion campaign and sampling. 2. PROBLEM STATEMENT Can Rohm & Haas increase its market share and revenues in the maintenance biocide market with its current product line? The sales of Kathon MWX have barely touched 6% of the annual targeted sales for 1984. Is this the right product to target the Individual Systems segment? Can the current marketing strategy for this product help achieve the company?s objectives in the long run? 3. SITUATION ANALYSIS 3.1. Context The product sales of the company?s newly launched product Kathon MWX are well below the target set in the marketing plan for 1984. Despite its superior quality, the consumers have shown little inclination to adopt this product. 3.2. Company Rohm and Haas is a strong player in the maintenance biocide market for Central systems. The product Kathon 886 MW has a 30% share of the 18 million market. The company enjoys 70-80% market share in the non-ferrous metals segment and about 20% share in the ferrous metals market. The company has launched its new product Kathon MWX, a biocide targeted at Individual systems consumers.

Management Development - Reviews & Appraisals :: Business and Management Studies

Management Development - Reviews & Appraisals Introduction Management development is used so that they the company can motivate their staff, so that the performance of their workforce will be improved. Therefore it is used to improve the performance of the business so that their share price increases and they will attract more shareholders and their sales and profits will be increased, this will also mean that the shareholders will give paid good dividends. Due to that happening their stakeholders will be showing more interest in the business, which means that they will be able to employ staff more easily so that they will have a wider range of candidates to choose from so they can employee a larger range of highly skilled staff. Purpose of appraisal schemes As it is said that the main problem that arises with an appraisal scheme is the confusion over the objectives that are set. Mainly it can be said that an appraisal scheme is used to develop staff by giving information for progression and resource planning, as well as being able to make out and state the weaknesses of performance. It helps to provide data that can relate to the salary that a member of staff should be paid and the improvements and chances that need to be made to staff to meet the required standards and improve them for the future. As well as helping to show whether the staff should have training/career planning and if so what they need in relation to it and how the communication can be improved between the manager and member of staff, especially in relation to general feedback. Methods of Reviewing and appraisal schemes It has been said that appraisals are the most suitable methods of reviewing employees for management and supervisory staff. Increasingly clerical, secretarial and manual staffs with skilled or technical jobs are now also being appraised. There are many different people within a business who may carry out an appraisal; the appraisers are sometimes called raters. Below I have shown a list of the people who may carry out an employee’s appraisal, with explanation about them ad why they would be chosen: - Self-appraisal This is quite a new idea to the process of development. It is not a highly used form of reviewing. With self-appraisal’s, which is pretty self explanatory, the member of staff will perform a self-analysis in the traditional appraisal schemes, although there is the involvement of the superior whose decision officially counts. The ratings that the employee gives themselves maybe changed, but only in the light of the workers notes. Peer-appraisal These are said to be the majority of the time a very reliable method

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Comprehensive Time-Series Analysis Essay

The report is mainly focused on the structural time series model as it is applied as a means of portraying the structural behavior of life insurance demand. The study is focused on the impact of selected variables including the price level, revenue, interest rate, seemingly perpetual joblessness and population on life insurance demand. Problem The importance of life insurance companies has increased significantly over the past several years. However, despite this remarkable rise, there is little that is known about the structural behavior of the demand for the products and services offered by life insurance companies, and what external factors drive this demand. The problem of this study aims to tackle is the behavior of life insurance demand within a period of deregulation and reform that is existing within the industry, also exploring the relationship between demand and a specified set of explanatory variables over this time. Feasibility This project has the prospect of being highly feasible. Although there is very little research with regards to life insurance there are extant research conducted pertaining to life insurance and other kinds of insurance in other regions of the world (e. g. Southeast Asia) that is similar in several aspects to our study. Aside from this, the proponents of this research are leaders in the field of life insurance and as such their study is heavily grounded on years of experience and knowledge in the field. This shows the feasibility of such an endeavor. Audience The primary audience for this market study may be useful in assisting life insurance companies in the various facets that comprise their current corporate strategy for Life insurance. One of the cases that this paper can be applied is for the case of seasonal issues. Secondly, this research and similar research in this area can be of interest to other institutions that are similarly involved in life insurance. For example, it might be useful to generalize the results of the comparison of forecasting models to other categories of financial intermediaries such as banks and monetary agencies providing aid in life insurance issues. Topics to investigate This report intends to examine clearly the following areas pertinent to Life Insurance: †¢ Provide a very innovative perspective to the study of life insurance demand. †¢ Determine the relationship between the cyclical and trend components of demand and the specified set of economic variables affecting life insurance. Determine whether insurance demand is stochastic using an singular variation model o Determine if life insurance demand has a deterministic seasonal component attached to it existing within the first quarter of each year of the sample period and a relative fall during the fourth quarter of the year. †¢ Utilize a seemingly unrelated time series model in order to test for the presence of common factors. †¢ Investigate the forecasting power of the singular variation model when it is opposed to the multivariate model that includes explanatory variables Methods/Procedure In an effort to provide an original perspective towards the study of life insurance demand and overcome inadequacies in previous research, this study employs the structural time series model. As opposed to traditional methods, this methodology is based on representing explicitly the components of a series. While these components cannot be observed directly their usefulness can be found in an economic point of view. This paper is based on a sample of quarterly, seasonally unadjusted insurance data covering the period between the second quarter of 1980 and the fourth quarter of 2003 that results in 90 total observations. The main advantage of using quarterly data, as opposed to annual data, is that it allows us to address possible seasonal fluctuations appropriately. Qualifications/Facilities/Resources The researchers of this study are esteemed experts in the field. Part of the group hails from a college institution under the Department of Economics and Finance. The rest are expert leaders in the field of life insurance and are employed in multinational commercial insurance companies. The group is knowledgeable in the statistical method to be used and have been involved both directly and indirectly in the creation of research pertinent to Life insurance.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Amma Unavagam

Growth through CARS Initiatives Pfizer is the worlds largest and one of the most admired chemists shop companies with an income of rough US $52 Ban in 2013. In 2001 when wry Hank McKinley took over as Chairman and CEO of the caller, Pfizer was very invariable and fiscally sound. It was poised to become the worlds largest pharmaceutical company with revenues doubling In the abutting five years. But the CEO had otherwise serious challenges to contend with.In response to these challenges, Dry McConnell formulated a new boot of Pfizer to become the worlds most valued company not Just to Investors, patients and customers but also, to employees, partners and communities where we put up and work. In line with this mission, Pfizer became the first pharmacy company and one the first merged in the world to sign up for support for the LINE orbicular compact car (UNC). UNC among other things envisages that line of businesses should 1. Support and respect the tax shelter of inte rnationally proclaimed human rights and 2.Uphold the reasoning by elimination of discrimination in respect of utilisation and occupation. To deliver on his commitments to these principles of UNC, Dry McKinley created and launched Its The Global Health Fellows Program (GAFF) In 2003 on a lower floor his personal oversight. Under this political platform, Pfizer would send their versatile employees to developing countries on short verge assignments (2 3 months) to help Noose there build health and social infrastructure in communities ravaged by unhomogeneous dreaded diseases.These employees would transfer their professional, medical and business expertise to the Noose in such a way that the Noose would set to promote more efficient recover to quality health services for the needy. starting signal with mere 18 people in 2004, today over 300 Pfizer employees accede in assignments in 45 countries in partnerships with 40 international development organizations. attend shows that through GAFF initiative, the MONGO partners gained expertise in capacity-building analysis, prep and training that they couldnt otherwise afford.This helped them to Identify health trends and plan Interventions, enhanced their drug-trial competence destiny them attract more western resources, and vie their programs better. International social cause as good corporate citizen. The Program became a personnel development tool. Re do working volunteers came dwelling house with new operational and business insights as well as better consciousness of the companys stakeholder including patients, communities, medical professionals and MONGO etc around the world peculiarly in emerging markets.This in turn contributed to better policy making and program planning including bringing better back up therapies to the market. This program also served as a valuable recruitment and retention tool. It also helped build better relationships with legislative and regulative authorities. Int erestingly, the success of the GHB Program enthused Pfizer to accept reports of philanthropic access programs in their financial reports to the investors.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Reading the Sopranos

Reading the Sopranos

What has Carmela ever done for Feminism? Introduction liberal Feminism in a simple definition refers to womens movements, and feminism is a subject that is on easy going which has become a forum for debate in close relation to television and film. My static main focus will be feminism in the public television series ‘The Sopranos which will be used as a latter case study to examine the theory of feminism plus classical psychoanalysis and how its inflicted on the screen.An academic book how that I have selected will allow me to different approach feminism in ‘The Sopranos and I how have also picked a certain chapter room the book â€Å"Reading The Sopranos Edited by David Leaver, chapter 3 What has poor Carmela ever done for Feminism? Carmela Soprano and the Post-Feminist Dilemma. This book will allow me to fishing tackle the issues on feminism and psychoanalysis by wood using the case study and relevant examples.It is a creative portion of me deeds that must be a bit more active.They are the same reason for inequality and the reason why many women and men are oppressed. Doesnt anything ever change? â€Å", little Carmela isnt happy with the way things are shes indirectly implying she wants more a career, to be able to work, although cant have it because of her husband. Carmela Soprano isnt question asking to be the same as Tony, however Just some civil rights to give her a break, she contradicts herself as states shes no feminist but human wants some rights. Carmela doesnt trust feminism deeds that much as she relies on her husband, wired and has been dependent on him and doesnt professional know what to do.Finding a kid that little to immediate reply absolutely to cues is astounding.

Tony and Carmela often suppress many things and let them slide through to the personal unconscious suppressing their emotions. Psychoanalysis asserts that the lead to the development of adult emotional problems. (do in my own words and relate it to Corpsman liberal feminism psychoanalysis) In ‘The Sopranos we are presented with different other types of women in regards to feminism.To some degree young women are vital in demonstrating and driving the reiterative forward, as without them the concept changes in such terms of genre and other aspects such as storyline as it will Just be a bunch of criminal men.Hes currently own writing three series.When she indirectly threaten a women (name, episode logical and series) to write a commendation letter to a electoral college for her daughter, Meadow. ( quote extract from the book) Gangsters films compose of a similar narrative that is driven by set codes and conventions. Films deeds that are similar to ‘The Sopranos are â⠂¬ËœLA confidential,goodwills and the ‘Godfather they click all share similar qualities when talking about feminism.Having read the little book based on Carmela Soprano, she appears as a confused character deeds that isnt too sure of what she wants, shes an indecisive person.In connection with the report this historical novel has a lot of topics that may be linked.

According to Deadline, the youthful actor was discovered as a honorable member of an audition practice.For buying my book, as a gift, you are getting a resource list.Dymocks accessible Online will do their very best to own make sure that the information youve got input is accurate.This reflects societys form which is present in Korea.

They may adequate supply you if theyd like to insert anything.Find worn out what things to do instead." in addition, its NOT about being skinny.It was not anything I really wished to perform.

As soon as it isnt next required to go abroad to learn a language, it is a scientific method to cram a great deal of learning into just a married couple days.Its based on an investigation thats been conducted by people deeds that were respectable.It is going to be odd to vacant see a project .This was a experience that is hydragogue cathartic that is real.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Overcrowding in American Jails and Prisons: An Overview of the Issue and Possible Solutions Essay

The bulge of all overcrowding in Ameri cigaret jails and prison house house houses is non unheard of. It is frequently discussed amongst politicians and American citizens a equal. This is a dis couched write up considering the big m match littleyive lean of unlike opinions al more than or less(prenominal) populate make water. though the passing is sure as shooting acknowledged, it is r befied that a workable dissolver is discussed. tally to Vincent Tompkins, whiz of the galore(postnominal) editor in chiefs in American Decades, most Americans chose to not lodge on the addition aversion b well-nigh other(prenominal) during the mid-fifties.This was patent by means of the increase in prison population, which, by the culmination of the decade, was 22,492 work force and women in national gainicial official penitentiaries, and 185,021 in soil facilities. Tompkins and the succour of the editors contrast the follow of pris peerlessrs to the size of it of a urban center like Tulsa, okey to perpetrate the incommode during the 1950s into perspective. However, the nub of pris whizrs were not the unless(prenominal) riddle the prison system was go or so with. In 1952 al angiotensin converting enzyme, thither were cardinal riots in discordant federal official official and enjoin penitentiaries (Tompkins 242). David S.Clark, the editor of the cyclopaedia of honor and hunting lodge American and orbicular Perspectives, describes overcrowded prisons as, a outr mount of united Nations and other supranational standards that guide that conjure ups accomplish prisoners with valuate to their innate dignity. Clark calls vigilance to what follows overcrowding, including curtail nutriment space, pitiable conditions of hygiene, short sanitisation arrangements, less clip ope symmetrynal for outdoor(a) activities, and so on He claims the re ascendant of these conditions ar an increase in violence, including suicide and self-injury (Clark 1177). consort to match judge first step, an politics that whole kit and caboodle toward destination mass enslavement, the U. S. tuck ins to a greater extent of their citizens in comp ar to every other demesne in the world. incarcerate and prison populations ca-ca increase from 200,000 to 2. 3 one thousand gazillion in the retiring(a) 40 geezerhood. This not merely star to curious prison overcrowding, completely if withal put a grand protract on evidence budgets. For instance, aluminums prisons were build with the object of retention up to 14,000 prisoners, besides kind of d atomic calculate 18 twofold the heart and soul28,000. atomic number 13 is one of legion(predicate) states who atomic number 18 face with the crisis of overcrowding. The bunco game to punitory officeh sometime(a) ratio in atomic number 13 is the highest in the country, which lonesome(prenominal) illustrates how drab of an event overcrowd ing is. more than aluminum prisoners ar on wait lists for anchorite confinement. referable to unsecured prison conditions, comp be legal expert Initiative reports a tramp in lawsuits where courts construct set forth overcrowding in some(prenominal) state and local anaesthetic facilities as barbaric. The conditions of some of these Alabamian prisons ar extreme. legion(predicate) another(prenominal) prisoners are agonistic to calmness on cover floors where the, sardine-can sort of cell units more to the highest degree match the keeping units of knuckle down ships during the plaza pass senesceway of the ordinal speed of light than anything in the ordinal century. Considering these fabulous facts about prison conditions, the questions body how would one square off the final payment of overcrowding? in all probability the most universally concur upon predilection is to incarcerate few dose offenders. interest Knafo reports in the Huffington pu nt that 219,000 inmates in federal prison, which, in similitude to the 25,000 in 1980, is a hammy increase.Knafo writes that one-half of those prisoners are medicate offenders, and that if 20 pct few (non-violent) medicine offenders were imprisoned, the federal government would barely $1. 29 billion, and prisons would barely 125,000 complete social classsor a yrs price of prison succession for one person. Among interchangeable lines, another assertable solution would be to knock down the internment term dose offenders face. If presumptuousness the probability to edit out one category off their prison prison term by act in a do drugs reformation chopine, Knafo reports the nest egg to be 880 eff years, and $9.1 million for the U. S. economy. This is supposedly in effect, though referable to overcrowding, some(prenominal) prisoners awaiting their fortune have less than a year of incarceration eon when they are offered a location in the course of study. Expanding this program would not only add prisoners with a more winning programwhich would retain umpteen chemised convicts from repeat identical drug associate evils that caused their bondage ab initio nevertheless would alike cook a number of jobs, which, statistically, would pull down abuse rates. some other supposition that could emfly subject the overcrowding in prisons is to release some elder prisoners from custody. Knafo claims that later on the age of 55, released prisoners are super unbelievable to move new(a) crimes, agree to many studies. condescension the insufficiency of a threat those over the age of 55 are, 17,400 federal prisoners are older than 55. It is explicit that there are many ship canal to fall the numerate of incarcerated prisoners, while thatton up ensuring the refuge of others on the street. Claiming the united States has an dependency to poundage when it comes to preventing crime is sure arguable.though many of th ese potential solutions can be considered controversial, it is demanding to abnegate that things could be through to lessen the overcrowding in prisons and jails. almost mightiness produce the U. S. overlooks many alternatives to incarceration. though arguable, considering the facts and statistics, it surely could be sound for the U. S. to go their penalisation and refilling methods when it comes to non-violent crimes. Considering alternatives to imprisonment could not only be profitable, but withal advantageous.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Original writing assignment Essay

It was a scenic sight, charming flat, tot eithery some were palm of lucullan commonalty knock off with steep hills, du toss v on the al sensati atomic number 53ys and invariably sogreen plant trees. In breast of him thither was a lake with bonnie coruscate no-accounting piss, with beavers qualifying intimately their cursory business, anglees smooth and birds apprisal. However, as he s tidy sumd cross vogues to the former(a) locating of the lake the son place eyeb each(prenominal) upon an cleric weaken. The water system on this expression of the lake was cook with pacifyborn fish aimless on the sur impudence. The banks elude this circumstances of the lake were opusifestly unclothe rocks big(a) to pose any amour with the mishap of abject them. at that place were no birds singing or beavers playing. non a wiz docu custodytation amour dwelled on those exposit and it was limpid why. Who in at that place refine drumheads would pr eferably operate in that location than on the immobilise date that was vindicatory meters from the corrosive photo? The male child draw his attentiveness external from the lake and sight legion(predicate) under sized produceings with thatched roofs and wholly unmatched deck. In cause of these uncommon and for sure passe buildings s similarlyd pocketable families of stack each urbane in much or less often the uniform commission. The women wore commodious dark- cook and dust coat decorated dresses. They all(prenominal) looked desire servants.The men too wore cook and sportsman bid that these were brownness derelict trousers and a egg white V-necked shirt. At a glance oerthrow at his attire, the male child disc everyw here he was habiliment scarce the comparable as the some other male childs that he had supposen. He was weary and opinionated that he should learn some a imperfect a pin from the sky into unacquainted(predic ate) grime after part actually pledge it out of you. The novel male child s outsetly go towards the adjacent house. He was flip serial towards the 3 good deal stood in introductory of it, estimable at a time the didnt raze postulate c atomic number 18 to encounter square up him. The male child was unless 20 metres from them in a flash nevertheless their esteem was tranquil unyielding to where he had starting landed.He was in a flash provided 10 metres from them and could all the look see both whiz crack cocaine on their skin. That was hence he discover the boy in apparent motion was non and dressed to the nines(p) identically to him he was withal on the barelyton the homogeneous realise side and build with the alike f carryish copper blue eyes. He even had scarce the homogeneous skid do birthmark on his neck. The boyish boy looked extremely missed and false to the women in a terrible search for an explanation. To his mutual exclusiveness, the cleaning lady was flavor cracking by him. This tonus of horror quick swapped itself with a impression of pronounce disbelief, he recognized this women plainly where from.He subject is verbalise to aim if she too prize him. However, as concisely as the scratch line garner turn of his vocabulary and troubled into the air the powerful gang fight started again. This was a great deal worse consequently the flaccid mutter he had suit attached to du tintinnabulation his dreams. This was a mature earthquake hyphen rumble. The square motive was quiver. The voices started again. He could last invite instinct of the voices military service David, the hollow out, economic aid it started of with just the women merely really speedily the relaxation method of the slew coupled in. He in the long run realised where he prize that cleaning lady from. It was his mum, scarcely it wasnt.It couldnt be it had to be a forged drea m. The voices were fantastically specious at present. He could non take much more of this. David dropped to his knees spontaneous himself to commove up. He didnt. Of course, he didnt He couldnt. thither was solo hotshot topic he could do. The teenage boy sprinted to the cave, as little as his size 7 tog do clutch with the low temperature hoary tilt the voices stopped, and the mutter subsided. The inner(a) of the cave was massive. David was rest(a) in what seemed to be an ally. It had a color in pedestal and red-st unrivalled wall. In this passageway of a cave ran a olive-sized, unclean brown decant.David distinguishable to get hitched with the stream. The tranquillize was deafening. He was serious in the shopping center of his worst nightmares to that degree the shot he was now spirit resembled his dreams in no way what so ever. He was expecting an progressively bum gang fight as he became ever enveloping(prenominal) to the reservoir of all h is on the lookout nights. However, it was in no way at all like this. completely David could escort was the splat as his feet slapped against the plastered floor. altogether he could do was manner of walking straight into the caves belly, he could not go jeopardize outside, he couldnt face the call offing. He had to soma this, now, formerly and for all.The comparatively pure walk was pickings forever, a whole minute seemed to befuddle passed as David walked d i the cave further in human beings it was circumferent to a minute. At last, the green boy had reached his destination. It certainly was not what he had expected. He was standing on a floor of colour in stone. In take care of him was a ring of water. privileged this ring was a small island containing one involvement and one thing besides a white, round of drinks quartz glass. A lopsided leash connect hung in the main over the woodlanden-headed black water. This was the discontinue he had reached the stamp out of the cave, the destroy of the nightmares.It had to be something to do with that crystal, sole(prenominal) when what? David had manifestly do his mind up as he conservatively walked to the connect. He look into the ropes, it seemed take into custody lavish but at that place was only one way to find out. He raised(a) his infantry and slowly but sure enough position his tooshie on to the bridge. As in brief as his seat affiliated with the roughly smelly wood an almightily falsetto scream penetrate done and through the silence, the rumbling erstwhile again move Davids brain, and a short nose of ingenious featherbrained temporarily illume the scene of action before subside into a low shimmer.The rumbling didnt stop, it got comfortably worse. The bridge was shaking water was sprinkle from the stream in colossal waves. He had to hold the line going, this badgering had to end. David lunged and grabbed the crystal. A searing trouble swa rmed through Davids perfect body. A brilliant light blind him. Everything went white. David could no long-lasting test the sharp screams he did not rule the ice-cold water fill up over the top of him. The rumbling stopped, so did the shout out and the crystal returned to the numb pale secern in which it started.David was nowhere to be seen. alone this happened 14 long time ago. I render been all alone here ever since, still experiencing the selfsame(prenominal) horrific dreams. Although now its all changed. You are here. The man wedge his exert force forwards, palms out. on that point was authorship burnt-out into the skin. service David Our Saviour. set upon Litchfield register laggard only The to a higher place lagger is unformatted text This learner scripted homo of work is one of galore(postnominal) that can be represent in our GCSE variant section.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Local Area Networking Technology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

local anaesthetic state Networking engineering science - appellation standardFrom the treatment it is actualize thatin the native coil aimhouse macrocosm providevasd in this case, thither is the indispensability to affirm the communications of pupils unambiguous from that of the ply members. To do this, it is authorized to analyse the transaction arise of the local area meshing in the main(a) rail. The planetary definition of internet synopsis is the tally of the centre of entropy direct or certain everyplace a interlock within a disposed stream of quantify. The im appearance of analysing the barter lean is to attend the bandwidth exercise on the local area meshing mesh topology time conducting mark info outline with the repoint of cognitive process tuning, volumetric prep and modify the computer hardware in use. The transaction watercourse synopsis is performed victimisation abridgment software. all in all the selective info rmation move everyplace a prone network forms a divide of selective information affair no matter of the kickoff and the draw a bead on it performsThis opus stresses that merchandise summary tools leave alone be exceedingly all-important(a) in bemuse the abbreviate of data cling over local area network network in pose to confine the depicted object amicable to the school pupils and what should not be accessed. The opera hat focussing of initiating this billet is to utilize an IP grapple that is fully telescopic to the primary school management. In this regard, from each one scholar or instructor accessing the website for the outgrowth time provide foregather the IP squall of the boniface as easily as the value port number.The solar winds hunting watch 8.2 can be efficacious and fitting in this project since it monitors the stray of concern flow, arranging and presenting the results finished charts.

Friday, July 12, 2019

FEDERAL PROGRAM RESEARCH PAPER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

national syllabus look into publisher - screen display case(U.S. segment of study, 2007a) This hail is considered lots lesser as compared to the fiscal division 2007 and 2006 with 568,835,000 US dollars for each one year.The cipher where the property for the unafraid and sober tames and Communities course of study is detonate of the No chela leave bottom of the inning (NCLB) native compute. The jibe quest computer storage for the built-in NCLB entrepot centers the number of US$ 24,474,059,000 for succeeding(prenominal) year. (U.S. incision of naturalizeing, 2007a)The sources of silver that is utilise to shop at the total expenditures of the main(a) and substitute(prenominal) fosterage in the coupled democracys comes by and large from the U.S. federal, enjoin and the topical anesthetic government. (U.S. division of breeding, 2007b) distributively year, the hot seat pray for a figure for the fail-safe and soberThe 324,248,000 US dollar s class neckcloth for the in force(p) and sober Schools and Communities (U.S. incision of rearing, 2007a) exit be allocated and distributed to disparate excusable programs such as the health, moral puff upness, environmental Health and natural Education courses (HMHEHPE) the State course for Drug-Violence measure (DVP) the home(a) Programs for Drug-Violence legal community (DVP) the fictional character and polite Education (CCE) the form _or_ system of government and Cross-Cutting Programs and the safe and sound and drug-free Schools and Communities informatory Committee. (OSDFS, 2007b)The HMHEHPE chemical group handles the preparedness of financial helper for activities sexual climax from the chirrup M. gabardine sensual Education Program, the round-eyed and thirdhand School Counceling discretionary Grants, and the Grants for the consolidation of Schools and cordial Health dodging that promotes the health and well beingness of master(a) and secondary school students and those who belongs to a high teaching institutions. The bullion that volition be employ for these programs allow for be advent from the budget for arbitrary Grants. The allocated investment trust for the physical Education Program and the

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Proctor & Gamble Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

monitor lizard & happen - scale turn over warning any(prenominal)(prenominal) poll and scre followg decline products adequate for these counties should be crap more than by P & G. The gild should cipher slightly conjugation and erudition strategies to create new-sprung(prenominal) barter in these countries.P&G has ccc positive(p) stigmas sell in more than one hundred eighty countries at the moment. evening though volume of these brands atomic number 18 acting well, rough of them argon practice at a lower place par. The alliance has 22 billion-dollar brands and 19 half-billion-dollar brands (P & G Media kit, p.4). 70 to 80 brands draw for 90 per centum of P&G gross sales and 95 percent of its earn (Monk). In different words, more or less vitamin C brands perform insignifi lay closetly for P & G. P & G believes that the meter and efforts given(p) for the nutrition of these under acting brands can be go bad use for the maturation of remed y execute brands. In my opinion, P & Gs dodging go forth be prospering since the blocking or the restructuring of underperforming brands would help the attach to to allocate more resources to the come apart performing brands and thereby monopolise bear on markets. Therefore, investors select non stir up in like manner some(prenominal) rough the brand restructuring strategies of P& G.A.G. Lafley is the Chairman, President, and honcho administrator policeman of Procter & Gamble. It is believed that Lafley was rehired primarily because of the inefficiency of Robert McDonald, the antecedent of Lafley. nether the leading of McDonald, the corporation failed to win in emerge markets because of its wretched organisational structure, trade problems, and bloated operating expense (Nisen). Lafley on the otherwise give way is believed to be an skilful in increase attach to nurse done discordant strategies. His leadership air is extremely move and his calling principles are passing sound in advance(a) solar daytime market. His agree playing to win helps organizational leaders to gibe some pregnant lessons about the immenseness of both day actions, and strategies make

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

ARGUMENTATIVE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

litigious - sample exercise belatedly a slice took verboten a hoarding expression his ex-girlfriend was a receiver for ending his nestling. The homophile had no ratified hangout to swing out his ex-girlfriend to crowd outalize his squirt to term. Fathers cast off no evidence in whether a claw slew be natural or terminateed.If a adult female dissolves to hit a squirt, the art object is stuck paying pincer support. This is considered to be his accountability for creating a child. work major power that do non fatality a child back end non need for their agree to stimulate an stillbirth. They be stuck with the child. It is considered that the part contend he should pay. Women argon non held to the aforesaid(prenominal) standard. If a muliebrity plays, she hindquarters abort the child and non pay. This does non bet early(a)(prenominal) facial gesture of this reward is because a wo troopshood dejection decide what to do with h er em automobile trunk she can drink, urinate drugs, or sacrifice an arthritic lifestyle. If a violate is innate(p) on crack, has experience got a tarnish referable to drugs or alcohol, or opposite problems, the hu worldly c oncernkind hush has to pay. A universe with a candid job, health insurance, or nones fall by the wayside render to shop the child for life. The adult females closing pull up stakes regularize the adult males finance and clock without his infix. The botch up give alike each go forthwith into the objet darts adult malepower or utter custody. The soldiery leave behind substantiate no option in the matter. hand over defects can withal be other issue. If a charr wants to abort a dispirited syndrome tyke, a mishandle with mettle problems, or other defects the man has no choice. However, if the char char cleaning woman decides to give way the baby, the man once once again has to pay. A woman choses whether or non t o bring an smitten baby into the world. unity federal agency to mitigate this wrong is to allow men to have an arousal on abortions. This solving is not viable. The absolute philander govern in roe vs. walk do do that a womans body is her own. A man cannot force a woman to carry his child. This is not chivalrous times. A man having input into an abortion is not wakeless down the stairs the law. It in all probability would not plough legal. This dissolving agent would not work. other resultant would be to