Thursday, November 28, 2019

TEEN Magazine Essays - Teen Magazine, Nicole Schmitz, Startup Cult

TEEN Magazine Lately I have been reading the teen magazines YM and Seventeen and I've noticed one thing; they really annoy me. I feel like they are just for preps and the trendoid freaks. Well what about the other groups? The gangsters, punks, skaters, bikers, or whatever. They should really give recognition to the other people in our society. Maybe they want just the good teenagers around. They are not going to get what they want. Maybe they think if they print stuff up all about preps and trends everyone will follow. Well they should guess again. I for one, will not follow any of that shit they say. They give some of the most whacked advice for things. Take romance, I've tried to follow the advice, but my outcome has not been successful. I know other people who have tried, and their outcome has been the same. Take their quizzes, then tell me that you do all that stuff. If you know me, then tell me how often I wear bellbottom pants, or platform shoes, or pink make-up, or little shirts that fit me. For those of you who don't know me, I can tell you right now, I wouldn't be caught dead in that stuff. That takes me to the clothes the models sport. How many girls in this society are actually that skinny? It's actually kind of sick. I think they should widen their models to all sizes and shapes. What? Just because a girl who is not amazingly skinny for a model, the company won't sell anything? Well I can't exactly describe the clothes they wear, but I have never run across a person wearing the same thing. But in Seventeen they have a section called "School Zone" and they go around different schools and take pictures of the students. I can understand the way they dress and they do show different looks. Both magazines put out information about bands, but I don't listen to those bands. As a matter of fact, I hate those bands. They are alternative bands, and coming from me, they just suck. Well I will confess to one thing. I have run across about 3 bands that I do like, but I have been reading these damn magazines for about 3 years. So that tells you something right there. I still haven't listened to a word either one the magazines have said. Otherwise I think I would have been a changed teenager. The only thing that changed about me is that my clothes got baggier and bigger. I have to say one thing about their make-up and their little jewelry and other crap like that. Some of it is way cool, but the other stuff is only stuff that the run-way models would wear. They never tell you where you can buy the stuff, but they will tell you the prices, which are way the hell out there. So all a teenage girl can do it just sit there and drool and wish she had that. Well I'm sick of that, and so are my friends. My best friend and I have subscriptions to these magazines. You may ask why, if I'm talking so badly about these magazines, then why do I still subscribe? The first reason is that my mom gave it to me and sometimes I can actually enjoy reading YM and my best friend likes Seventeen even though it annoys her sometimes. We'll sit down and flip through them when we get them and the first thing we'll notice (well besides the guys) is that all the advertisements show a girl and the first thing that comes to our mind would have to be the word "sluts." Well one thing I've noticed is that yes they do have white and black models now. But I'm still not seeing any Latino's or Indian girls. To conclude, I do share my opinion with many of my friends that they should not just stick to the trendoids and preps. Much of what is in these magazines is just plain sick. If people disagree with my opinion, I respect their opinion and hope they respect mine. If Seventeen and YM don't want anything

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Arguments for and Against Humane Meat

Arguments for and Against Humane Meat Certified humane meat has been gaining in popularity as the public learns more about factory farms. Some activists call for reforms and labeling of humanely raised and slaughtered meat, but others argue we cannot work on reforms and promote animal rights at the same time. Background In a factory farm, animals are treated as commodities. Breeding sows are confined in gestation stalls, pigs have their tails cut off without anesthesia, calves spend their entire lives tethered by their necks in veal crates, and egg-laying hens are debeaked and kept in cages too small to spread their wings in. The search for solutions has focused on two paths, one reforming the system and instituting more humane standards, and the other promoting veganism so that fewer animals are bred, raised, and slaughtered. While few animal activists disagree with promoting veganism, some believe that campaigning for reforms and humane labeling is counter-productive. Humane standards can either be required by law or instituted voluntarily by farmers. Farmers who voluntarily agree to higher humane standards are either opposed to factory farming or are trying to appeal to consumers who prefer meat from humanely raised and slaughtered animals. There is no single definition of â€Å"humane meat,† and many animal activists would say that the term is an oxymoron. Different meat producers and organizations have their own humane standards by which they abide. One example is the â€Å"Certified Humane Raised and Handled† label that is backed by the Humane Society of the U.S., the ASPCA, and other non-profits. Humane standards might include larger cages, no cages, natural feed, less painful methods of slaughter, or prohibition of practices such as tail docking or debeaking. In some cases, campaigns target retailers or restaurants instead of the actual producers, pressuring the companies to purchase animal products only from producers who raise the animals according to certain voluntary standards. One example is PETA’s McCruelty campaign that asks McDonald’s to require their producers to switch to a more humane method of slaughtering chickens. Arguments for Humane Meat People will continue to eat meat for the foreseeable future, so humane standards will ensure that the animals will have a better life than they have in factory farms now.Since some people will never be convinced to go vegan, humane standards are the only way we can help the animals who will be raised for food no matter what else we do.Humane standards will eliminate the cruelest factory farming practices. Humane standards have broad-based support, so goals are achievable. Many people are opposed to factory farming but are not opposed to eating meat or other animal products. According to Humane Farm Animal Care: A recent study on behalf of the United Egg Producers found that three out of four American consumers (75%) would choose food products certified as protecting animal care over those that are not. Humane regulations on a state or federal level provide relief to millions of animals.Humane standards are a step towards animal rights. By promoting humane standards, we persuade people to care about animals, which will lead some to vegetarianism and veganism. Arguments Against Humane Meat There is no such thing as humane meat. Using an animal for food violates the animal’s right to life and freedom, and cannot be humane. Calling some animal products â€Å"humane† leads people to believe that animals do not suffer on â€Å"humane† farms when in fact, they do. For example, male babies of egg-laying hens are still killed, and male dairy cattle are still killed. Also, explains: At all farms, large-scale and small-scale, laying hens are killed when their production declines, typically within two years, as feeding these worn-out individuals cuts directly into profits. Often the bodies of spent hens are so ravaged that no one will buy them, and they are ground into fertilizer or just sent to a landfill. Some humane standards can be woefully inadequate, even by animal welfare standards. Giving animals enough room to spread their wings or turn around does not mean they will have enough room to fly or walk around. They will still be crowded and will still suffer.Requiring larger cages or larger pens will require more space and more deforestation than factory farms already require. Nine billion land animals are killed for human consumption every year in the U.S. Giving 9 billion animals enough land to roam would be an environmental disaster.Humane meat is not more sustainable than factory farming. The animals will require just as much food and water, if not more because they will be moving around more and exercising more.Humane meat campaigns sometimes send a confusing message. Nine years after declaring victory in their McCruelty campaign against McDonalds, PETA resurrected their McCruelty campaign in 2008 to make further demands.Instituting humane standards causes some vegetarians and vegans to start consuming meat and other animal products again. Spending resources on reform campaigns take movement resources away from campaigns to promote veganism.Humane standards do nothing to challenge the right of humans to use other animals and have nothing to do with animal rights. We should promote veganism instead of more â€Å"humane† ways of exploiting animals. Animal activists sometimes debate whether promoting veganism helps animals more than humane reforms, but we may never know. The debate is one that divides some groups and activists, but the animal agriculture industry fights both types of campaigns.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Does the theories of ecquivalence play a useful role in professional Essay

Does the theories of ecquivalence play a useful role in professional translation - Essay Example These theorists have studied equivalence in relation to the translation process, using different approaches, and have provided fruitful ideas for further study regarding this topic. Our first study is on the theory introduced and expounded by Nida and Taber about formal correspondence and dynamic equivalence. Formal correspondence focuses attention on the message itself, in both form and content, unlike dynamic equivalence which is based upon "the principle of equivalent effect" (1964:159). A more detailed explanation of each type of equivalence is provided in the second edition (1982) of their work, but a brief analysis will be discussed in this paper. Nida, in consultation with other pioneers in the field, developed the theory of "dynamic equivalence" or "functional equivalence," which stressed the importance of transferring meaning, not grammatical form (Poythress, 2004). Formal correspondence consists of a TL item which represents the closest equivalent of a SL word or phrase. Dynamic equivalence is defined as a translation principle according to which a translator seeks to translate the meaning of the original in such a way that the TL wording will trigger the same impact on the TL audience as the original wording did upon the ST audience. (Nida and Taber, 1982: 200) In dynamic equivalence, translation is done by the translator's use of his/her own words and expressing it in the TL, the impact should be the same as it was in the ST. The sentences are not the literal interpretation, but rather a different wording seeking to arrive at the same impact as in the original text. Nida was also concerned of delivering the "fullest meaning" instead of a bare minimum (Nida, 1947, cited in Poythress, 2004). The distinction between the two - formal correspondence and dynamic equivalence - is that in the former a word can have an equivalent to an SL word or phrase, whilst in the latter, equivalence is achieved by giving the meaning of the words or phrases from the original. Both can achieve equivalent effect. In formal equivalence, the problem lies in not getting an equivalent word in the two languages. Fawcett (1997) criticizes this theory because he argued that the use of formal equivalents might at times have serious implications in the TT since the translation might not be easily understood by the target audience. Formal correspondence distorts the grammatical and stylistic patterns of the receptor language, and hence distorts the message, so as to cause the receptor to misunderstand the message (Fawcett, 1007: 201). Nevertheless, Nida and Taber argue that "the form of the original text is changed; but as long as the change follows the rules of back transformation in the source language, of contextual consistency in the transfer, and of transformation in the receptor language, the message is preserved and the translation is faithful" (p. 200). Nida is in favour of the application of dynamic equivalence, as a more effective translation procedure, considering that he has been into Bible translation. Nida is much more interested in the message of the text or, in other words, in its semantic quality. He strives to make sure that this message remains clear in the target text (hence, dynamic equivalence). But herein lies the contradiction as far as Bible translation is concerned.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Image Encryption Reserach Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Image Encryption Reserach - Research Paper Example This paper is a summary of the encryption algorithms and their classification that is based on their means. We analyze the mathematical based, DNA encryption as well as the Chaos based. The objectives and future achievements that are in place are also discussed. Introduction In our current world, very important information is always transmitted to various places via the internet. For some reason, this information may sometimes be accessed by people who should not access the information at all e.g. internet hackers. It is for this reason that most organizations prefer to use image hiding to protect the crucial information that they move in the network. Image encryption is the cryptographic process that involves the transformation of plaintext information, using the cipher algorithm so that it is made unreadable to anyone apart from the people who have the professional special knowledge about the encryption usually called the key. As a result ciphertext is made this is encrypted inform ation. In order to make the encrypted message readable again, a process known as decryption is done to the encrypted information (Cimato 56). During the process of image encryption, three main processes are involved. This include; pixel scrambling, this is very simple and in most cases easy to achieve. However its security is compromising. This is because in this process, only the positions of the pixels are changed but not the positions of the pixel gray. The second process is pixel replacement. In this type Boolean operation XOR is used to alter the values of the gray. However if plain attacks come, then the process is not effective. The combination of the pixel replacement and the pixel scrambling is the third process. This is the most effective way to encrypt information. Advantages of image encryption Image encryption is one of the most affordable and important defense mechanisms available to many small businesses. Below are some of its advantages in the application of data sec urity. 1. In case a hacker gets past all other measures of security, a well, encrypted information automatically stops them from getting past this security measure. It is therefore a good security measure. 2. Another importance of encryption is that incase a laptop of an employee working with a lot of information is stolen, the laptop will not be able to work outside that organization due to the encrypted information hence protecting the information. 3. Image encryption is very cheap and efficient compared to other data protection techniques. This is the reason why many businesses prefer to use image encryption. 4. It is also used for the verification and authentication of the image (Tina ET all 78). Section 2 Image encryption techniques Mathematical concept-based image encryption techniques In this type of technique, concepts of mathematics are used to build and design the encryption algorithms. There are three types that are involved; non linear matrix mixing sometimes known as th e Arnold transformation, this type mixes pixels according to color space and phase space. It uses the cipher that is derived from cease. The second one is the use of space curves e.g. H curve, E curves and so on. This type uses the principle of non omitted and non repetitive to reach the desired goals (Pommer 112). Recorded pixels are the last one. This type uses the methods of trigonometric transformations, and logarithmic transformations. Secret segment

Monday, November 18, 2019

Economic in Society Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Economic in Society - Case Study Example This time the customer would think again and again before buying the medicine. On the other hand, due to much improved drug's quality, the pharmaceutical companies would have to do some more investment and also there is a possibility that they would outsource or even import the foreign material for usage, which means that they now would have to make the foreign payments resulting in a lot of local currency going out of the money cycle. The possibility is again that the country would get a bit unstable and if someone who would then be responsible to keep the country's economy stable then it is the people living there. People would now be forced to take any measures to buy those medicines that are at least prescribed by the doctors for serious patents. India although have controlled their growth rate but the deceases are growing commonly in the South-east Asia, and this is the part by which the Indian planners might have thought about increasing the prices and to bring much of the currency from the savers to the deficit spending units. India is basically a poor country, the average income t... als being operated there and if they would now be asked to product fine quality medicines that are just having their own name and are according to the international standards, then it does require India to invest even more in bringing those structures and processes that could make the international standard products. The documentation work would also be their and the overall investment would be far more that companies would merely have a breakeven point within even 5 years. The decision taken by the Indian government might just be in relation to their modernization but it has got no real concerns as the majority in India is yet living below poverty line. The question which is related to the people around the world getting deprived to use the cheap drugs might not be as valid as the people living in India would be deprived to use the cheap drugs. The simple answer to that is due to the much poor outcome of any such strategy, the global companies manufacturing patented material would c riticize any such law and so the law enforcing governments would move against any such law. After all, human life has got more value than any of the law and the concerns are directly related to the saving of human life and not the cheaper drugs. Since in that case, the majority of people would not even be able to use the drugs, then they cannot expect to live longer and there when the problem arises causing human lives. Lets talk about the real world case in which the demand is never equal to supply. Always there would be greater deviations in the market and somehow both, supply and demand would get disturbed, of course it is unintentional but that is inevitable as a consequence of which we have to keep the constraints and solutions in mind. Imagine if the world is consuming what has been

Friday, November 15, 2019

Feminine Hygiene Products Advertising Analysis

Feminine Hygiene Products Advertising Analysis Fulya Felicity Tà ¼rkmen Perceptions on the Idealized Image of Women in TV Ads Revisited:  The Example of Sanitary Napkin Advertisements Introduction and Methods This study has two parts: The first part gave me a perspective and understanding about how to read and evaluate an advertisement. In this way, I could determine some criteria to decode the linguistic and non linguistic components of the sanitary napkin advertisements. I watched 35 sanitary napkin advertisements but I did not choose to make a quantitative analysis since it would be too hard to examine the data manually. Instead of this, I chose the qualitative methods. I made certain groups based on the determining characteristics of the advertisements and I evaluated only one advertisement for each group such as one for blue liquid type and one for mini drama type advertisements. My first thesis was assuming that advertisements are a part of the reproduction of discourses on womanhood by supporting the idealized images of womanhood. But as I go on watching the advertisements I also noticed that they create some stigmas about the taboo on menstruation and feminine hygiene. This is why I also included the part menstruation as embarassment as a component of the perceptions on womanhood. In the presentation I used the expression of hidden messages by referring to the use of lingual and non linguistic components of the advertisements which are telling women something other than the features of the products and promising them things whch are not directly relevant with the product itself at first sight. While doing these, I also tried to track down the transformation of advertisements since it was legally allowed to do advertising on sanitary napkins to see what has changed since the beginning. Advertisements Now and Then Previously, advertisements were less complicated than they are today and there was only one goal to achieve with the simplest ways: to make people buy a certain product by explaining its specific or differentiating features. Thus, production or supply of the products was determined according to the demands of the societies. Today, we see the constant creation of new demands and increasement of the existing ones. In this new order, advertisement has become a tool to create consent for more consumption. In this way, social utility has also become the utility of the capital owners but these are presented as if they still accomodate social benefits. Media a great power of influencing and directing the society. In advertisements, this power manifests itself through the chain of product, production and consumption. In this way, products go beyond the production processes and factories and they become a part of the media culture. Although the basic motivation behind the advertisements is simply selling more products, there is no advertisement which only gives information about product to motivate people for buying it. Beyond this simple aim, each advertisement has a message that would be received by for potential consumers via different canals. Today we observe that the symbols and images take a precedence over the product itself most of the time. In the science of semiotics, it is claimed that signs are open to different interpretations and they can have different meanings in different contexts. Thus, we receive different messages via signs and attribute them to different meaning while we communicate. We receive these signs with our many senses such as audial or visual. Saussure argues that the sign dynamic has two components: A form of the sign and its meaning, respectively, the signifier and the signified. Thus, languages which enable us to communicate through different sounds or written symbols are arbitrary and they are subjected to change in time. They are only as important as their function in the communication rather than their historical importance or features. Therefore, language is in a constant state of change which includes its reconstruction and re-analyze through the changing social relations and discourses. According to Williamson, semiotics is composed of thing and meaning as well. The important thing here is not how a certain word or term is formed but how it is shared and found itself in the daily expressions. Williamson takes the issue of advertisement as a determinant of culture and everyday practices. These practices are mainly there to sell products but at the same time they make properties to mean something for us. They present and promote the idea of being a certain kind of person. The language of this promotion is not a singular one; it rather changes according to different times and cultures. For instance, I observed that many brands use different advertisements for the promotion of sanitary napkins in different countries according to these countries’ cultural norms and values. The portrayal of a certain ideal type is given in the advertisements but at the same time this ideal type is linked to the certain products through messages. For instance, â€Å"delikanlÄ ± kÄ ±zlar molped kullanÄ ±r.† The construction of these linkages occurs over long processes. Thus, connections are made between people and objects are made. So, we should take the sign for w hat it signifies, the thing becomes the symbol of a feeling. â€Å"Material things we need are made to represent the other non- material things we need. The point of exchange between two is where meaning is produced.† (Williamson, 2000) What an advertisement actually does is to show and give audiences an object of desire. When a product is used exclusively by women, female image and female sexuality is packed up with the product and presented to the women again. In our case, the object of desire could be manifested as youth, freedom, happiness, a good career, etc. In the advertisements, what is not shown or expressed, in other words absences are as important as what are present. For instance, advertisements can show what people actually want to be like in this way. According to Crook, there are two main dimensions which reflect the distinction between the linguistic and the non-linguistic components of commercials that should be taken into account. These are the product- claim dimension and reward dimension. (Crook, 2004) When product claim dimension is used, some information or claims of the producers are presented to the consumers in the form of physical outcomes and benefits. For instance, in our case of sanitary napkins, this could be dryness. There usually is a superimposed linguistic message and/ or a message which is given by a voiceover, a narrator or a mini drama with one or a few highlighted characters. The use of reward dimension targets the more emotional side of the audiences. The benefits and offers are emotional and more abstract. For instance, in our case, this could be the promise of intimacy or modernity. As it can be deducted from this example, the benefits may not seem such related with the product itself at the first sight. The tools of non-verbal communication such as colors and music are used in these types of advertisements. The Construction of Menstruation as Embarrassment Menstruation is accepted, portrayed and presented as an embarrassing hygienic trouble which needs to stay hidden and covered up in the public realm, specifically from men. It is also seen as an obstruct on the way of achieving to the standardized and ideal womanhood norms as Evans also points outs. Menstruation stood in the way, as a threat to a womans reaching the ideal of beautiful womanhood, (Evans, 1995, p. 25) All of these negative connotations helped the construction of menstruation as embarrassment for females. As an historical inheritance, this problem is limited to the one’s private sphere. Thus, offering solution to this hygienic problem can easily be considered as overruling one’s privacy. Advertisers observed that there might be negative reactions occurring, as viewers evaluate these advices as a violation of their liberties and privacy. In the specific type of commercial that we are trying to explore here, the producers of the advertisements could be accused of taking the liberty of talking about a private issue because these advertisements postulate the existence of a ‘problem’ and describe menstruation as a barrier with discomforting symptoms which put limits on one’s mental and physical actions. Therefore, there is a message of â€Å"You need these hygienic products to hide and relieve your embarrassment and stay pure and clean. Otherwise you would be stained and feel ashamed and dirty.† For instance, Kotex started a series of advertisement which are based on a simple question to women: â€Å"What weird things do you do on your special days?† In the series, a famous actress took part and filmed doing weird things such as carrying a awkwardly huge bag to hide her back, getting extremely angry out of little issues or taking photos of herself to check whether there is any stains caused by her period. The Myth of the Magical Youth and Beauty â€Å"With the rise of the youth culture, advertisers shifted even more from health and safety to youth and beauty. Youth and all things modern have been idealized.† (Del Saz-Rubio and Pennock-Speck, 2009) The advertisements that I watched were proving this statement since all women that took place in these advertisements were at the age of 17-25 or 30 at most. Moreover, the older women were portrayed as role models and advisers in the advertisements and they were not on the focus. Since all women are potential customers until they step into the menopause (age 45-50 on average), there should be another motive behind this choice. As another important point, there is a set of standardized beauty norms in these advertisements. For instance, there was no over weighted woman in any of the sanitary napkin advertisement I watched or analyzed. All of the women were conformed to the widely accepted body norms and standards. So, the modern woman is idealized at being young, free and nor matively beautiful and the message of â€Å"youth knows it better† is given. Although sanitary napkins are started to produce from mid-1980s, its advertisement was not legally and culturally possible until 1920s. First, sanitary napkin advertisements started to take place in women’s magazines such as Vogue in 1920s. Then, in 1970s it became legally possible for sanitary napkin brands to do advertising on television and radio. There were still a lot of written and unwritten rules: For instance, these advertisements are shown during daytime which is considered as ‘women’s TV time’, rather than prime time hours. Moreover, it still stayed as a controversial issue and many opposed to this new situation. We can evaluate this new era as a adoption phase in which ‘blue liquid’ advertisements appeared in the scene. For a long time, blue liquid tests in laboratory environment are used all around the world, as well as in Turkey. The Messages in the Sanitary Napkin Advertisements Although the first advertisements focused on the promotion of the product by comparing the diffferent brands such as Orkid vs. Sanitary Napkin with labaratory experiments, this method has been abandoned by many brands recently or they were started to support by some charachters and mini drama scripts. The technique of placing highly imposed linguistic message has also been abandoned for the purpose of decreasing the sense of intrusion to private life and decisions directly. Instead of that, a mini drama script and some famous actresses that became public figures and whose consumption habits become trends and followed by the consumers are used. When it comes to the spaces which are used in these advertisements are also important as one of the non-linguistic components. As I observed, the place is chosen as ones which are most far away from the main issue. One would expect that bathrooms are used in these advertisements but instead of this, broad and bright spaces are used in interior shootings and crowded and alive urban landscapes for external shootings. The message and intention of this choice is to decrease the possible uneasiness of the viewers with the presupposition that menstruation is a disturbing issue which needs not to be talked or displayed with direct references to it. It should be softened and hidden as much as possible. Another message about the places is the emphasis on the modern and urbanized woman who is a part of the dynamic city life. For instance, Molped and Orkid gave this message and Orkid even conducted a promotion campaign with its ‘à ¶zgà ¼r kÄ ±z’ Nil Karaibrahimgil. This ima ge is created exclusively for the campaign and she is portrayed as a free and strong woman who is capable of having a career and children at the same time. Thus, here we see that products promise modernization, urbanization and freedom to women according to new type of ideal woman. Therefore, we see that advertisement also impose a certain life style on women by using identification techniques.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

What Is Fascism And Why Does It Emerge? :: essays research papers

What is Fascism and Why does it Emerge? The purpose of this essay is to explain what fascism is and why it emerges. Fascism is a political ideology that consists of an all powering totalitarian government, which has total control of the people, the nation and the economy. The fascist economic system creates an upper class for the owning/ruling class and leaves the working class in a lower state who in turn produce for the elite. To justify themselves as beneficial to the oppressed lower class, the fascist installs an extreme sense of Nationalisms and organicism. If these method do not work then force is used. Fascism emerges out of economic crisis, a revolutionary promise and reaction to capitalism. It is often allowed to emerge because it is usually easy to get support from the upper class. The fascist political structure consists of a totalitarian government with an extreme sense of absolutism. Absolutism is the principle of a absolute power in control with power that transcends even the laws itself, under the control of one main dictator who carries traits of of a geniuses or of a hero. This way the masses can be drawn into him through emotion and appeal. With the totalitarian government the fascist has total control of the nation and the people. Along with the fascist total ruling over the people and nation came its total ruling over the economy. Although different fascist have had different economic structures, all regimes more or less, have had the same model. The main defining character of the fascist economy is the principle of goverment-buisness relationship. Like the first fascist regime in Italy, its leader created a system where private ownership was allowed but state intervention was issued on management and labour. He did this by creating grouped established syndicates, such as â€Å"The National Confederation of Commerce† or the â€Å"The National Federation of Credit and Insurgence†. The government then controlled these under managing agencies called â€Å"Corporations† which in turn would regulate issues and guidelines such as supply and demand, labour disputes or what interest the business is to aim at. Although the system is supposed to function as a partnership, the government is always in control and dominate. Although the fascists claim this system is in the interest of the nation, it is only in the interest of more empowerment for the government. Due to this system both the states interest and the interest of the owning class are integrated which creates an elite. Therefore the development and technology only serves the interest of the elite and not the working class which is to be

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Health and social care Essay

Explain how the plan meets the health and wellbeing needs of the individual In health and social care the wellbeing of the individual is essential for all round health and well-being. Using the case of Miss JB, this essay I will explain how my plan will meet the health and wellbeing needs of this individual. To assist this process an action plan have been drawn up to support the short term, mid-term and long term goals of the individual to enable Mr JB to achieve his health and wellbeing needs. NOW TALK ABOUT WHAT HEALTH AND WELL BEING IS A person’s health and well-being is affected by a number of different factors. In general terms, health and well-being can be defined as†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ having a balanced diet (e.g. improved immunity, feeling healthy controlling weight) adequate rest and sleep (e.g. improved concentration, refreshes body, restores energy) regular exercise (e.g. improved fitness, weight control, circulation, mobility) supportive relationships (e.g. friends, family, professionals, improved self-esteem, self-worth) adequate financial resources (e.g. social security benefits, free prescriptions, free dinners, pension, mobility allowance) stimulating work, education and leisure activity (e.g. improve mental ability, valued) According to Mr JB BMI he is considered to be overweight and he does not get much exercise or sleep. Mr JB also lives in a confined space, sharing 2 bedrooms flat with 7 people. He is takes paroxetine and mirtazapine for stress and depression and does not spend any time with his family. Mr JB is at high risk I have created a plan to help improve Mr JB health and well-being. I have suggested the Mr JB move out of his parent’s house and buy a house of his own on a long term goal. I have also suggested to him that he could rent as an alternative action. The benefit of Mr JB owning his own home is he will have his independence, having his own space for him and his family and feel less stress about living with his parents. Having regular exercise will help Mr JB to lose weight; I have suggested that he exercise three times a week on a mid-term goal. For an alternative action he needs to lose 3 st one in 3-6 months. He need to join a gym, drink  more water and eat healthy (five a day fruit and vegetable). The benefits he will get are self-confidence, energy which will help him to spend time with his family, relief of stress and reduce the risk of a heart attack. Regular physical activity can help you prevent or manage a wide range of health problems and concerns, including stroke, metabolic syndrome, type two diabetes, depression, and certain types of cancer, arthritis and falls. Mr JB will also need to take paroxetine gradually. Stop Paroxetine hydrochloride abruptly can cause withdrawal symptoms or cause your original condition to return. In these instances, reducing the dose of Paroxetine hydrochloride gradually over time may reduce the chances of having these problems. Spending quality time and creating happy memories with his family will help reduce stress and strengthen the bond between him and his family which will result in being more relax less stress and help him to stop depending on his medication. I have suggested that he stop smoking because the amount he smoke long term can cause lung cancer, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Alternatively he should reduce that amount he smoke daily from 10 cigarettes a day to 3 a day and also used Nicorette patches to help him to stop over a period of 6 months on a short term plan. If he decides to follow the plan to stop smoking the result can be rewarding; less stress, reduce headache, feeling less tired, your sense of taste and smell improve and your heart will be less strained and work more efficiently which reduce that chance of lungs cancer and heart diseases. The recommended amount of alcohol to drink for a man is 21 units a week. Mr JB drinks 28 units a week. Your liver processes alcohol. It can only cope with so much at a time. Drinking more alcohol than the liver can cope with can damage liver cells and produce toxic by-product chemicals. The more you drink, and especially above the recommended limits, the greater the risk of developing serious problems such as: liver disease (cirrhosis or hepatitis); cancer; gut and pancreas disorders; depression; anxiety; sexual difficulties; muscle and heart muscle disease; high blood pressure; damage to nervous tissue; serious accidents; obesity (alcohol is calorie-rich). Also can mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and various other problems. I have suggested that Mr. JB reduce his alcohol intake by 19  units a week which is just under the recommended amount. The benefit of reducing his intake will reduce his chance of liver disease; You will immediately start having more money, reduce calories in take, Your liver will begin to rejuvenate All the little aches and pains throughout your body will slowly but surely go away, Your natural energy will slowly but surely return, You will find joy in all the little things of life, Your family will love the new you When I created this plan for Mr JB I thought about his preferences and circumstances I have chosen long term, mid-term and short term goal for him to achieve. I thought about what are his favourite five a day and encourage him to buy the and gradually introduce new ones if need. Mr JB like the idea of going to the gym so I suggested he join one, he work on shift base, so when he is on late shift I suggest that he take his younger child to school in the morning and pick them up when he is on early shift which will enable to spend more time with his children.

Friday, November 8, 2019

An Analysis of The Forces That Turned Baba Around Essays

An Analysis of The Forces That Turned Baba Around Essays An Analysis of The Forces That Turned Baba Around Essay An Analysis of The Forces That Turned Baba Around Essay In the article we hear about a 16-year- old boy with the name Battened Liked. A Brief look at Saba: He sees himself as a Bad boy, when he was 12 he had been suspended from school 5 times. He says Being suspended Just felt like a holiday and this is not the only thing. He says that he always Is In trouble, but then he says It does not bother me. The problem Is, that he gives a picture of that there is nothing that means anything to him. According to Baby Is his family the mall problem. He does not say It directly, but he mentions It In context which gives us the Impression that the family Is the problem. My dad left when I was very young, so mum was on her own with my two younger brothers and younger sister to look after, so she didnt have time to worry about me. This sentence says a lot. His dad leaved him/his family, so Baby has not had a role model in his life to look up to. On the same time he has 3 younger siblings which mean that his mother was all alone to provide the children . And because he was the oldest one, the siblings got more attention than he got. All these things made him act badly, robbery because he wanted attention somehow. This remains me of a documentary I saw on canal 4 with children which parents Is divorced. In an interview with these kids we got an Impression of that they were a victim for their parents divorce. When they were young they was very close, when they went older they became more aggressive. A girl said l dont care about anything. Why should l? It Just makes you crazy to think about every little detail. I only live once, and I dont want to waste my time in school. This attitude remains me of Baby. The Skill Force mad a program for children like Baby. It is a program which will teach this children/teenager to be more confident. Sarah Ferguson is a Skill Force instructor. She means that bad behavior is covering up the insecurity and that school does not have anything to offer these children. Bad behavior Is often a way of covering up Insecurities. Many of them lack confidence or feel that school has nothing to offer them. And she Is probably right. When a child Is close and struggle with a problem Inside him, what can school then do for him? There are not many children who can handle personal problems Ana problems In cocoons at teen same tale. Re aggressive and that is a indirect scream for help. I nee well Just Decode The program the Skill Force made contains activities which are fun but also challenging. Here they learn to go through the challenge to the end. And Sarah Ferguson says to this: The lesson is that you dont get anywhere in life if you dont work hard and stick at things. They do not only learn to see positive on the school but they also learns discipline. They also learn the principle: One in, all in. So if one fails the other fails too, they have to help each other which mean that there is no sore. This will help them out of the insecurity and after that they do not have to live with this bad behavior, but they can actually try to change their behavior. The On in, all in principle, do we see a lot in military. The soldiers are willing to die for their group which shows us how important it is to be there for each other and help each other. The text is based on 2 interviews. The one with Battened Aligned, and the other one with Sarah Ferguson. The text is filled with facts and to confirm the facts the writer have these two interviewers. Example: Unsurprisingly, neither the other boy nor his teachers saw the funny side. By the time he was 12, Baby had been suspended from school five times. l was always in trouble, he says. But it didnt bother me. Being suspended Just felt like a holiday. The language and the details with numbers and years confirm that this is a news article. And the interviews make the news article more realistic and reliable. It gives the reader an impression that it is a positive thing and that we can consider this possibility if there come a time when our children maybe could need this kind of caching. This article is especially for teachers who know that a child have problems in school. The teacher could tell the parents about their childs behavior and tell them which alternative there is for the child. This article is also for other teenager who has the same problem as Baby, but in their case they know that they have to change their lifestyle if they want to have a great future. I think that the goal is to make everyone understand that these children are not bad people. And for the children who have it like Baby, they have a chance to change it like Baby if they want o. The Skill Force is only trying to help the children. And like Sara Ferguson said: They come in as sullen teenagers and leave as confident young people. Who does not want to be confident? Who does not want to start over again and experience something new in a new environment where you can experience something fun beside something challenging? Personally I think that this whole idea with the program is great. People are different from each other. Some people think it is easy to take an education while other thinks it is unnecessary. But children/ manager does not know the reality yet, because they still lives with their parents. They do not know the worth of an education; they do not know how much it will help them to come through the life with an education in their baggage. If the teacher tanks Tanat It Is good Tort a canal a to try something else Tort teen nest, teen teachers should tell the parents about Skill Force. The Skill Force is a way to make these people understand the worth of an education. They teach them discipline like One in, all in so they cannot humiliate one another but they have to help each other. [ 1 The forces that turned Baby around. S. 1.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Rhinoceros Facts

Rhinoceros Facts There are five species of Rhinoceroses- Ceratotherium simum, Diceros bicornis, Rhinoceros unicornis, R. sondaicos, Dicerorhinus sumatrensis- and for the most part, they live in widely separated ranges. By most counts, there are less than 30,000 rhinoceroses alive today, a steep plunge in population for a mammal that has existed on the earth, in one form or another, for 50 million years. Fast Facts: Rhinoceros Scientific Name: Five species are Ceratotherium simum, Diceros bicornis, Rhinoceros unicornis, R. sondaicos, Dicerorhinus sumatrensisCommon Name: White, Black, Indian, Javan, SumatranBasic Animal Group: MammalSize: 4–15 feet tall, 7–15 feet long, depending on speciesWeight: 1,000–5,000 poundsLifespan: 10–45 yearsDiet:  HerbivoreHabitat: Subharan Africa, Southeast Asia, Indian subcontinentPopulation: 30,000Conservation Status: Three species are Critically Endangered (Javan, Sumatran, black), one is Vulnerable (Indian), one is Near Threatened (white) Description Rhinoceroses are perissodactyls, or odd-toed ungulates, a family of mammals characterized by their herbivorous diets, relatively simple stomachs, and ​an odd number of toes on their feet (one or three). The only other perissodactyls on earth today are horses, zebras, and donkeys (all belonging to genus Equus), and the strange, pig-like mammals known as tapirs.  Rhinoceroses are characterized by their large sizes, quadrupedal postures, and single or double  horns on the ends of their snouts- the name rhinoceros is Greek for nose horn. These horns probably evolved as a sexually selected characteristic- that is, males with bigger, more prominent horns were more successful with females during mating season. Considering how big they are, rhinoceroses have unusually small brains- no more than a pound and a half in the largest individuals, and about five times smaller than a comparably sized elephant. That is a common attribute in animals which have elaborate anti-predator defenses like body armor: their encephalization quotient (the relative size of an animals brain compared to the rest of its body) is low. WLDavies/Getty Images   Species There are five extant rhino species- the white rhinoceros, black rhinoceros, Indian rhinoceros, Javan rhinoceros, and Sumatran rhinoceros. The largest rhinoceros species, the white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) consists of two subspecies- the southern white rhinoceros, which lives in the southernmost regions of Africa, and the northern white rhinoceros of central Africa. There are about 20,000 southern white rhinoceroses in the wild, the males of which weigh over two tons, but the northern white rhinoceros is on the brink of extinction, with a mere handful of individuals surviving in zoos and nature reserves. No one is quite sure why C. simum is called white- this may be a corruption of the Dutch word wijd, which means wide (as in widespread), or because its horn is lighter than that of other rhinoceros species. Actually brown or grey in color, the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) used to be widespread across southern and central Africa, but today its numbers have dwindled to about half those of the southern white rhinoceros. (In Greek, bicornis means two-horned; an adult black rhinoceros has a larger horn toward the front of its snout, and a narrower one directly behind.) Black rhinoceros adults rarely exceed two tons in weight, and they browse on shrubs rather than grazing on grass like their white cousins. There used to be a bewildering number of black rhinoceros subspecies, but today the International Union for the Conservation of Nature recognizes only three, all of them seriously endangered. The Indian or greater one-horned rhinoceros, Rhinoceros unicornis, used to be thick on the ground in India and Pakistan until a combination of hunting and habitat destruction restricted its numbers to the puny 4,000 or so individuals alive today. Full-grown Indian rhinos weigh between three and four tons and are characterized by their long, thick, black horns, which are prized by unscrupulous poachers. On a historical note, the Indian rhinoceros was the first rhino to be seen in Europe, a single individual shipped to Lisbon in 1515. Plucked from its natural habitat, this unfortunate rhino quickly died, but not before it had been immortalized in a woodcut by Albrecht Durer, the sole reference point for European  enthusiasts until another Indian rhino arrived in England in 1683. One of the rarest mammals in the entire world, the Javan rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicos) consists of a few dozen individuals living on the western edge of Java (the largest island in the Indonesian archipelago). This cousin of the Indian rhinoceros (same genus, different species) is slightly smaller, with a comparably smaller horn, which has not, sadly, prevented it from being hunted to near-extinction by poachers. The Javan rhinoceros used to be widespread across Indonesia and southeast Asia; one of the key factors in its decline was the Vietnam War, in which millions of acres of habitat were destroyed by incendiary bombing and poisoning of vegetation by the herbicide called Agent Orange. Also known as the hairy rhinoceros, the Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) is almost as endangered as the Javan rhinoceros, with which it once shared the same territory of Indonesia and Southeast Asia. Adults of this species rarely exceed 2,000 pounds in weight, making it the smallest living rhinoceros. Unfortunately, as with the Javan rhinoceros, the relatively short horn of the Sumatran rhinoceros hasnt spared it from the depredations of poachers: The powdered horn of a Sumatran rhino commands over $30,000 per kilogram on the black market. Not only is D. sumatrensis the smallest rhino, but its also the most mysterious. This is by far the most vocal rhino species and herd members communicate with one another via yelps, moans, and whistles. Habitat and Range Rhinoceroses are native to Subharan Africa, Southeast Asia, Indian subcontinent, depending on their species. They live in a variety of habitats, including tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas and shrublands, tropical moist forests, and deserts and xeric shrublands. Diet Rhinos are all herbivores, but their diets depend on their habitat: Sumatran and Javan rhinos feed on tropical vegetation, including some fruits, while black rhinoceros are primarily browsers that feed on herbs and shrubs, and Indian rhinos feed on both grasses and aquatic plants. They require a great deal of time to forage and spend most of their active time doing that. Rhinos can be active day or night and generally regulate their activity depending on the weather. If its too hot or too cold, they will stay near water. Behavior If theres one place the average person does not want to be, its in the path of a stampeding rhino. When startled, this animal can hit top speeds of 30 miles per hour, and its not exactly equipped to stop on a dime (which may be one reason rhinos evolved their nasal horns as they can absorb unexpected impacts with stationary trees). Because rhinos are basically solitary animals, and because they have become so thin on the ground, its rare to see a true crash (as a group of rhinos is called), but this phenomenon has been known to occur around watering holes. Rhinos also have poorer eyesight than most animals, another reason not to linger in the path of a four-ton male on your next African safari. The closest rhinoceros bond is between a mother and her offspring. Bachelor rhinos congregate in small crashes of three to five, and sometimes as many as 10, to cooperate against predators. Rhinos may also gather around limited resources, water pools, wallows, feeding areas, and salt licks, always staying one body length apart. Reproduction and Offspring All rhinoceroses are polygamous and polyandrous- both sexes seek multiple mates. Courting and mating can occur at any time during the day. During courtship, males engage in mate-guarding behavior until the female is in full estrus and will permit males to approach her. Indian male rhinos whistle loudly to announce reproductive condition and location, six to 10 hours before breeding activity. Gestation takes 15–16 months, and by two months of age, calves are weaned and may be left alone while the female forager a few feet away. When separated temporarily, the female and her calves stay in contact through vocalizations. Calves suckle until the calf is two or the mother conceives again; they become completely independent at three years. Females become sexually mature at 5–7, and males at 10 years. Rhinos typically live between 10 and 45 years, depending on the species.   mantaphoto/Getty Images Evolutionary History Researchers trace the evolutionary lineage of modern rhinoceroses back 50 million years, to small, pig-sized ancestors that originated in Eurasia and later spread to North America. A good example is Menoceras, a tiny, four-footed plant-eater that sported a pair of small horns. The North American branch of this family went extinct about five million years ago, but rhinos continued to live in Europe until the end of the last Ice Age (at which point Coelodonta, also known as the woolly rhino, went extinct along with its fellow mammalian megafaunas like the woolly mammoth and the saber-toothed tiger). One recent rhinoceros ancestor, Elasmotherium, may even have inspired the unicorn myth, as its single, prominent horn struck awe in early human populations. Daniel Eskridge/Stocktrek Images/Getty Images Conservation Status All of the five species of rhinoceroses are listed as endangered or vulnerable ty the IUCN. Three are listed as Critically Endangered (Javan, Sumatran, and black rhinos); one is Vulnerable (Indian), and one is Near Threatened (white).   Ã‚  Klaus Vedfelt/Getty Images Threats Rhinoceroses have been continually driven relentlessly to the brink of extinction by human poachers. What these hunters are after is rhino horns, which, when ground up into powder, are valued in the east as aphrodisiacs (today, the largest market for powdered rhino horn is in Vietnam, as Chinese authorities have recently cracked down on this illicit trade). Whats ironic is that the horn of a rhinoceros is composed entirely of keratin, the same substance that makes up human hair and fingernails. Rather than continuing to drive these majestic animals into extinction, perhaps poachers can be convinced to grind up their toenail clippings and see if anyone notices the difference! Sources Emslie, R. Ceratotherium simum. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: e.T4185A16980466, 2012.-. Diceros bicornis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: e.T6557A16980917, 2012.  Hutchins, M., and M. D. Kreger. Rhinoceros Behaviour: Implications for Captive Management and Conservation. International Zoo Yearbook 40.1 (2006): 150-73. Print.Talukdar, B.K. et al. Rhinoceros unicornis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: e.T19496A8928657, 2008.  van Strien, N.J. et al. Rhinoceros sondaicus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: e.T19495A8925965, 2008.van Strien, N.J., et al. Dicerorhinus sumatrensis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: e.T6553A12787457, 2008.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Business Plan for Wal-Mart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Business Plan for Wal-Mart - Essay Example There are another 1309 stores in 10 other countries. These prices are obtained through the massive buying power of the firm and tight contracts with the suppliers, by the relatively low average wages paid to employees, by the streamlined business model and by continual fine -tuning of strategy. This attracts customers: Wal-Mart commands about 30 per cent of the US market for household staples such as toothpaste and sells 15 - 20 per cent of all CDs, Video and DVD. It is now becoming a force in book retailing as well. The firm was started by Sam Walton, who focused on locating large stores in rural areas while rivals built in cities and suburbs. The typical new Wal-Mart I now a 'Supercenter' that sells groceries and general merchandise in a store with an area of about four football fields. Wal-Mart has about 1400 of these supercenters in the United States. Wal-Mart has a great impact on suppliers and consumers. Due to the huge demand of Wal-Mart stores, suppliers are bound to stick to it only. Consumers get all the household items at a relatively low prices. To get the goals of any organization in certain intensity there are some issues involved. These issues, consists of necessary business, technology and human factors, are called Critical Success Factors. Firstly, a company has to focus on its business environments and secondly, it must be examined that what kind of risks have to face during the implementation cycle of business strategy (Aram, 1976), because the CSF is very much reliant on business's position. Several other CSF can be identified for specific circumstances. It is necessary that the basic features of the business like cost, quality of the product, services will not be affected negatively after entering into the marketplace Company must maintain a solid and comprehensive strategy of business The business of the company must have a complete support of its top management The infrastructure of the business must be complete and comprehensive The employees of the company are well trained Company's pricing policy not affected by its business The expectations of the customers must be taken care of Personal and 1-1 attention to all customers Strategic Planning: The strategic choice really consists of answering questions about competition - that is how the firm will compete to achieve its mission and goals (Daft, 1989). While these decisions are important, strategic decision makers often pay less attention to the 'with what will we compete' issue, resulting in poor strategic decisions (Galbraith & Kazanjian, 1986). For example, Pepsico in the 1980s acquired the fast-food chain of Kentucky Fried Chicken, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut in an effort to increase its customer base. However, it failed to recognize adequately the differences between its existing workforce and that of the fast-food industry as well as its ability to manage such a workforce. One recent study in the United States of 115 strategic business units within Fortune 500 corporations found that between forty nine and sixty nine percent of the companies had some link between Human Resource Management and the strategic planning process (Fisher & Dowling, 1999) however, the level of li nkage varies and it is important to understand the different

Friday, November 1, 2019

A Change Management Issue Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

A Change Management Issue - Term Paper Example Such organizations spent years to develop and establish their business traditions – the traditions they believe have led them to their current position and the ones they are not always willing to alter. However, the conditions of doing business change continuously, and the postmodern business reality imposes new diversity demands on organizations and businessmen. For many of them, to become more diverse means to produce a profound shift in organizational mentality, consciousness, and culture. Yet, once implemented, diversity has the potential to move the organization further to its performance and organizational highs. As long as I can remember myself working for that organization, our staff had been mostly comprised of white males working for the financial department and dealing with the most controversial issues in the field of organizational finance. I must say that the organization had spent years in the market and had been able to achieve considerable success and organizational stability. Its name was well recognized by customers and competitors, whereas its financial staff was believed to be at the core of the organization’s continuous success. The company was extremely careful about all staff members’ following the organization’s cultural and business traditions, and its success and competitiveness in the market made it increasingly reluctant to change anything in its attitudes toward diversity and hiring. However, the business realities were changing, demanding similar changes in our finance department. Our organization had to hire new people, including two black women and one Asian man. All three displayed remarkable performance results but they seemed to experience serious difficulties in their striving to adjust to the new conditions of work.Â